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I don't think I've blinked yet.

I was in the middle of warrior training with Mace and Chev and I felt Rebecca's pain. 

Emotionally, she was in hell—still is.

I collapsed, unable to breathe, and allowed Chev to drag me Mace's car headed towards the spa she went to with Reese.

Midway through the drive, I find myself involuntarily puking my lunch all over Mace's backseat. I can feel hot tears falling down my cheeks as agonizing pain causes me to shudder and sob, rocking to and fro in my seat.

What are they doing to my baby?

We finally make it to the spa, and by then, I'm numb. Rebecca must be asleep. Or knocked out. She may not be concious, but I know in my heart of hearts that she's alive.

"Shit," Mace whispers as we step into the spa. 

Immediately, the scent of wolfsbane assaults my nostrils. It's not potent, so it's had time to fade, but it was obviously a large amount if the people in the spa are anything to go by.

Every last one of them, unconcious.

In the center of the room rests a metal canister, likely a smoke bomb that the wolfsbane came from. 

But, what catches my mind and causes me to do a double take is the one woman with her eyes wide open. 

I was so focused on the fact that Rebecca isn't here, that I forgot about Reese.

Reese who sits, hands and toes partially painted with her mouth and eyes frozen open in shock, blood dribbling out the corner of her mouth, and surrounding the arrow in her neck that pins her to the massage chair and ensured her death.

"Shit," I echo.

If Reese is dead, then whoever this is probably did this to get to Leo. Just great. Yet another pack war we have to fight for him because he couldn't take care of his pack on his own.

I can feel Rebecca's rhythmic breaths and allow the sensation to calm me down.

All of a sudden, the door behind us opens, and in walks Karen and Frankie. Karen is wearing a hazmat suit and gloves, but Frankie holds hers in her hands, as though not sure why she'd need to wear them.

They freeze when they see the disaster that's occured in this room, when they see us.

Karen looks pissed, but Frankie looks shocked, dropping her suit and gloves, as though she hadn't expected to see this at all.

"Grab them," I croak.

Karen fights, and she's damned good at it too. But, my boys are better, and in an instant, she's pinned. Frankie however allows Chev to grip her in his vice like grip, not struggling, still gawping at the scene before her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Karen hisses, still fighting Mace's hold.

"I ask questions," I say as calmly as I can. I feel my eyes glowing green as I use my alpha tone. "Why are you here?"

Karen winces, but snorts her reply. "We came to collect Reese's body."

"Nonono! I didn't know. She said she needed help with something, I didn—" Frankie's shrieks die out as she finally sees Reese. "I didn't agree to this."

I look back at Karen. "Where's Rebecca?"

She fights the alpha voice. Giving a reply that technically isn't a lie. "She's where she needs to be."

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum