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"Mr. Silverman... it is with my understanding that you've been running around with my daughter?"

I fight back the urge to smile as he calls me 'mister.' That was courtesy of a longstanding agreement that had been solidified several years ago. 

Since he and his mate were unable to produce an heir—nature's fault for both of them, he shot blanks and she was infertile—the two had agreed to relinquish their hold on the alpha title when I became of age, in exchange for our help should they need it.

Not a fair trade in the eyes of some, but his pack was almost always being attacked. We'd sacrificed some of our best men, all for that deal.

"Rebecca is my mate," I declare, not sparing time for any bullshit as I leaned against the door frame, not bothering to sit in the chair across from Leo's.

His faux dispassionate expression falters a bit, though it's back in place in less than a second. "Yes well—"

"And I'm not gonna ask permission to make her mine. So you can get any thought of that shit out of your head."

"I'll respect the bond you have for her. I could never ask you to fight it. I only ask that you move at her pace. She's not familiar with this."

"Fair enough," I reply with a smile, watching him grapple for what little control he could possibly have. "Oh and by the way, tell my father not to poke around my head while I'm sleeping, I forgot."

I smirk as I see his eyes narrow and his jaw clench. He doesn't like my instructions, but I know he'll follow them.

. . .

The remainder of my first class was complete and utter torture. I practically shook with anxiety, knowing that Rebecca was literally on the other side of the wall before me.

She has English class first. I have history. Soon I'll have English as well, and then the rest will be history.

I can't even laugh at my own joke as I bolt up from my seat with the sound of the bell. I grab my bag and heaving it over my shoulder, making my way outside, just as Rebecca steps out of her class.

"Hey, Becks," I say, grabbing her hand and tugging her into my chest and placing a bruising kiss on her lips as soon as she attempts to acknowledge my presence. The base of my spine tingles, but I force myself not to react like the wild animal I partly am and resolve to just holding her hand. "What's our next class?" I'm breathless, and I love it.

"Um, I have... I have algebra two next... I don't think—" 

"Do you need anything out of your locker?" I was being a bit rude and some other shitty characteristic that I can't remember the name of, but I refused to give Rebecca the opportunity to deny me. There were too many male humans who didn't understand the way things worked around here, so I couldn't risk losing her without at the very least having tried to solder her to my side.

"My textbook, but—"

"Which number is it?"

"Two thirty-nine, but Kai—"

"Let's go." I use my grip on her hand to drag her toward the lockers. With hers directly across from mine, we had little reason to ever separate.

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now