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I'm smiling, or at least I hope I am. With the way I feel right now, I wouldn't be surprised if my face holds a grimace.

Jesus Christ, why couldn't these uniforms be short sleeved.

It's Friday now, and we're having our first football game of the season. The bus incident was literally a week ago, and yet somehow during that time, I never managed to speak to Leo about his interacting with Slate.

Ever since he broke up with me, the day after my kidnapping no less, Leo has hated him. We both do—or did?

Nonetheless, I push the unlikely pair from my mind, instead curious as to what occured afterward.

Following my father and shithead who left me when I needed him most—ironically that's what he said instead of 'I love you'—was a brief interaction between Karen and Slate.

They didn't speak as far as I could see, nor did they run up and embrace, or slink off together like plotting villains, but a simple nod. Obviously to one another and discernable even from a distance, a simple bob of the head and a stare that lingered far too long to mean anything good, and the two went their own way.

I'd tried to call my father, unwilling to go to the office and bump into Slate, but my phone was busted pretty badly during the crash, and died the second I pressed the dial button. I then attempted to use Kai's, but the dial tone picked up as though he had muted his phone.

As a last resort I began to tug on a modest sun dress to go out and talk to him for myself, Kai—for protection—in tow, but just as we headed out the door, my father was being driven away.

Regardless, though my mind is still filled with worry as I'm too scared of the truth I'd find if I attempted to talk to Karen. I try not to look in her direction, as she is in the center of the second row of our largest pyramid. I'm sure if I did, I'd forgo any attempts to smile.

Farther to the right is Frankie, standing one legged with her pom-poms in the air as she is held securely by three of the other cheerleaders. Just as I am. Max, as captain, stands proud at the top of the center pyramid, and Heaven, though not part of the team, is in the crowd, possibly is sling-shotting popcorn kernels at the lot of us, if the occasional beady pains are anything to go by.

It's seven thirty, and we're nearly halfway through the game, so my feeling a little warm shouldn't come as much of a surprise, the heat I feel is in every fiber of my being. My own ponytail feels as though it's scalding my back, and I think with my temperature I could melt my pom-poms. I'm thankful for our uniforms, which are mostly black, that hide the sweat that is definitely pooling beneath my heavy breasts.

I breathe deeply, no longer able to smile, suddenly on the verge of passing out. I allow my already wobbly leg to drop, and place my hands on my hips, allowing the boy who was holding my legs from behind to lower me to the ground.

The pyramid and the people holding Frankie up follow suit, but I can hardly see them. I find that I can no longer hear the crowd, not that they were very loud in the first place, nor can I hear either of the schools' bands.

I'm hyperventilating, that much I know, and when Max reaches me, placing a hand on my forehead, she nearly flinches.

"What's happening to me," I whimper, feeling my knees wobble under the weight of my torso. My bangs are practically scalding my forehead, but I can't muster the strength to push them away.

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now