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As though sensing they no longer need to be hidden, the second we get back to our dorm room, my wings unfurl, knocking over the tall lamp beside the door.

Kai, who's been walking ahead of me, and has already taken a seat on our bed, smiles as though they're the greatest things to ever exist.

"So," he begins, reclining on our bed with a smug grin on his lips. "I've been shacking up with a fairy, huh?"

His cocky statement immediately puts me at ease, and I frown at the fact that I felt uneasy. I realize that for just a quarter of a second, that I actually wanted to go back to the cave. That after having lived in discomfort for days, only to have to come back to our room, unlived in and dusty, the wet rock and constant roar of the waterfall were preferable to the stuffy silence.

I force a smile, though it instantly drops as I notice some of my plants have begun to wilt. Some didn't need the perpetual watering, but others did.

I feel a literal pang in my chest as the petals of my poppies droop slightly, having been sitting directly in the light from the window this entire time.

"Oh no," I murmur, too forlorn to be an exclamation.

Unconciously, I ignore Kai, though I can feel his worried gaze boring holes in my back. I walk over to my poor dilapidated plants and gingerly touch the dried out petals, knowing that my touch can't cause much more harm other than the petals snapping off.

I let out a quiet gasp of shock as my fingers brush the dried out flowers, watching them become revitalized under the briefest of touches. I look down at my hands, and I notice the stong grasses wrapped around my wrists. My brain gives me a quick replay of how after exiting our little hidey-hole, the grass seemed to respond to my touch.

Invigorated with this little tid-bit of information, I laugh, the sound foreign and a bell-like, even to my own ears. I go around touching everything, bringing my plants back to life.

Kai watches with amusement as I flit about, having left his spot on the bed. As he follows me around, I realize that he's grabbing everything my wings would have knocked over before they hit the ground.

I stop, though I can't help but be curious what my powers would do to my cactus, since it seems perfectly fine. Since it's right beside me, I press a finger to the soil and nearly squeal when an entirely new succulent begins to sprout beside the original.

"Okay," I proclaim. Holding my hands out to reign in my composure, and shaking my head slightly as my smile refuses to leave my lips. "We gotta do some research on this. You're a werewolf, and I'm a half-fairy, and since we exist, there's gotta be some info on this." I punctuate my sentence with a quick flutter of my wings. 

Kai smiles once more. It seems to be the only expression either of us is capable of making at the moment, but I could care less.

"Of cour— Wait, half?"

I nod, waving a hand noncomittally, my wings mimicking the movement as I attempt to brush away any shock he has about the notion. "Yeah, the kid who called me can explain it better than I did. But, I'm only half-fairy."

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now