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Kai and I don't bother to look for Max, figuring that wherever she's going to be otherwise indisposed at the moment.

When Kai and I made it out of our room, we realized that whatever happened between us seemed to spread to the entire dorm building.

After we'd gotten cleaned up, Kai made sure to tell me that no one heard our sounds of coupling, because the support beams were enchanted by some magical creature. Thus making any sound passing through them unable to be heard if the door was closed.

Much like regular sound proof rooms, since outsiders couldn't hear in, we couldn't hear out, meaning that the couples who coudn't reach their rooms before the 'need' hit them just went at it where they could.

I blush, instinctively wanting to shrink back, to make myself smaller and unseen, as I used to, when Frankie's pissed off glare focuses on me.

She sits, wearing a pair of sweatpants that I'm sure have a hole in them now, plastered to Chad, her back to his front as they regain their breath, inhaling greedy gulps of oxygen.

Thankfully, the pair are clothed enough to not paint an obscene picture of what likely transpired between them. However, that's not so true for the common room, in which a small orgy is still happening directly in front of the TV. Realizing with wide eyes that the group is split into pairs, I find myself pondering if this counts as an orgy or if it's simply group sex. And realizing that I suddenly know the difference, my eyes widen even further.

Shaking away my stupification at my own mind, I accidentally allow my gaze to fall on the three couples. I wonder if I caused that... Feeling a squeal of self-directed mortification climbing up my throat, I grab Kai's hand, leading him quickly out of the building.

As we head toward the main office, toward the third possible person who could know what's happening, I'm almost certain I feel eyes on me.

I grip Kai's hand tighter, looking around for the source of the feeling. I begin to think it's just nerves when I find Karen's green eyes bore into me from a distance, glaring just as Frankie had... violently probing. But, as we continue walking, I realize she's focused on me. Her sc0wl is directed at Kai.

There's a shadow beside her, that of a guy, but before I can get a better look, frowning andd tilting my head to the side, she realizes I see her too, and yanks the curtains shut.

Kai doesn't notice my observation, and I'm sure it's nothing so I keep walking.

We enter the office building, and I half expect to see my parents working or milling about, but then I realize it's a weekday, and my mom is probably back at home.

It dawns on me for the first time since coming here that I miss her. I make a mental note to ask for a spa-day on Saturday, allowing Kai to lead me into Nurse Hampton's office.

"Sierra," he calls, announcing our presence.

I stifle a giggle, watching as Nurse Hampton, who as we entered had been sprawled out on the first cot, eating a granola bar, hops to her feet as though she's been shocked.

Narrowing her eyes at Kai, she takes a final bite of her granola bar, and with stuffed cheeks declares, "You will not speak of what you've witnessed." She waves the empty granola wrapper in our directions accusingly, leveling her pointed gaze at each of us, waiting for a confirming nod.

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now