Chapter Seventeen

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The fireworks start. Loud explosions, but very pretty.

It seems like there's an extra explosion in between some fireworks, but I think everybody is too drunk to notice but me.

Eliza comes back.

"Oh, hey, Eliza. Where's John?"

She looks away from me, not saying anything.

"Eliza? Where's John?"

She continues to not make eye contact.

"Eliza. You're testing my nerves. Where. Is. John?"

She sighs and points to the forest.

I get up and run toward the forest, expecting to see John lost on his way back to camp after talking to Eliza.

I find a clearing I've never seen before. The stumps of the trees are charred, almost like they've been...exploded?

I also find the remains of what seems to be a human being strewn across the twenty foot clearing.

It doesn't take me long to put two and two together.

Eliza must have switched Creature's briefcase for a decoy earlier. She had hidden the real one in the forest before dinner. When she wanted to 'talk' to John she must have really wanted to...

I can't believe she would stoop so low! I know she's jealous, but come on!

The weight of the loss hits me then. I drop to my knees.

He's gone. My beloved boyfriend is gone.

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