Chapter Five

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By the way, the timeline for this is different than it was in real life. Also, everybody's the same age unless they're not. The Demeter cabin is next to the Athena cabin now because reasons.

John's PoV

I find myself at the Athena cabin. I sigh. Should've paid more attention to where I was going. Even though my cabin is next door, I decide I should see if Alexander needs help unpacking.

I knock on the door.

Two seconds later the door is opened by none other than Alexander Hamilton himself. He's the only one in the cabin, his siblings are all celebrating the victory. Of course it's him who came to the door.

"Um, hi," I say, probably sounding nervous when I shouldn't be. "You seemed like you'd be lonely all by yourself, so I came to keep you company."

He smiles. "That's nice of you. Come on in."

I step into the cabin. "Which bunk is yours?" I ask.

He points to the bottom bunk of a bunk bed in the far corner of the room. There's a turtle tank sitting on the bed.

"You didn't tell me you have a tUrTLe?" I say, more of a question than a statement. I mean, he could be hatchlingsitting.

"Oh, yeah, his name is Philip. I didn't think you'd care."

"Are you kidding me? Turtles are the single most bestest thing in this unholy existence. Where'd you get him?" I ask, admiring the turtle.

"My mother gave him to me last January, for my fifteenth birthday."

Oh, so he's 16 then. Wait, who cares how old he is? You do, dimwit. You want to know if he's your age so you can date him.

"Your mother must be the best person ever. Wait, how does that work if Athena's your mom?"

He shrugs. "She must've been my step mom then."

"Makes sense."

He continues putting away clothes and stuff. "You can hold Philip if you want to."

I pick up the little turtle. "Oh my gods."

"What? Is this the first time you've held a turtle?"

"Yeah, actually." I hold the turtle, admiring it.

"You're insane," he says, finishing putting stuff away and sitting next to me on the bed. "I've never met anyone who knew how to hold a turtle without actually having held one."

"Yeah, well, I did my research."

I look at him. Oh gods, those eyes. They're sort of a mid-level shade of poop brown.

"Um, John?" I blush, realizing I've been staring at him.

"Uh, I just remembered I... Um... I just have to go okay?" I say, standing up and carefully placing the turtle back into his tank.


Lafayette and I are sitting in the back of my crowded cabin, me fangirling over Alexander.

"Jeez, mon ami, I am a child of Aphrodite, and even I don't fangirl as much as you. Over anybody. Even Hercules."

"But he's just so perfect! Did you know he has a turtle?"

"Oui, you've only told me 10 times in the past half hour."

"Yes, but HE HAS A TURTLE!"

Lafayette just sighs.

"How are you not as excited as I am?"

"Because I'm not obsessed with turtles and I don't have a crush on him."

I scoff. "I do not have a crush on him."

"Tell that to the blush on your face."

I put the hood of the hoodie I happen to be wearing up, pulling the strings so it covers my face.

"I'm not blushing. You're blushing."

"Sure," he says, "because I don't have a boyfriend already."

I open my hoodie cave enough for him to be able to see me sticking my tongue out at him.

There's a knock on the door.

One of my siblings goes to open the door.

"John, there's somebody here for you," she says.

I walk up to the door. It's Alex.

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