Chapter Three

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Alex's PoV

~3 days later~

I've unpacked and am now laying on the small cot I have been provided with in the Hermes cabin. It's past midnight. I can't sleep, but I'm no stranger to not sleeping for a week. I remembered to bring my laptop and charger for once in my life, and I'm just typing whatever comes into my sleep-deprived mind in Microsoft Word (why does this place not have Wi-Fi?), not even really conscious as to what I'm typing. I eventually just pitch forward and fall asleep on my keyboard, my cheek typing a continuous line of Ds.

I wake up to Peggy, one of the Hermes kids, telling me I'll be late to breakfast if I don't get moving. I nod, signing out of my laptop and closing it, but not before getting one of those dumb popups saying, "Do you want to save your work before closing?" I mean, that's why I prefer Google docs. It just saves automatically. I decide I'll just read over what I wrote there later on. I leave the room, almost forgetting to feed my turtle on the way out. Did I not mention I have a turtle before? He stays next to me on my cot, as I usually sleep sitting up or not at all.

I sit down next to John before I'm forced to by my extremely pushy new friends.

"Good morning!" says John brightly. I sigh in response. "You're not a morning person then?" He chuckles.

I grab my cup (goblet?) and it fills with coffee. I sip the bitter liquid, hoping it'll help me wake up. "Why is the sun so bright? Doesn't it know I'm a vampire?" I say to nobody in particular.

All of my three friends laugh.

I was only half joking with that. I sighed and started eating my pancakes.

"Did you hear that there's Capture the Flag tonight?" Asks John.

"Yeah," says Hercules. "The Hephaestus, Hermes, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hades, Hecate, and Athena cabins teamed up on the red team, and the Apollo, Dionysus, Ares, Zeus, Poseidon, Nike, Iris, and Hypnos on the blue team."


"Guys we need to come up with a battle strategy," says Angelica, one of the Hermes kids (I think Angelica, Peggy, and somebody else, Eliza, are triplets).

"Well, I was thinking we..." I explain a complex plan (that the author is not smart enough to explain) to them.

After I finish explaining, they're gawking at me. Well, more specifically, a place right above my head.

"What is it?" I look up, seeing that a glowing blue owl has appeared over my head. "What does that mean?"

"You've been claimed as a child of Athena," says Eliza.

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