Chapter Fourteen

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One of my half siblings, Creature, stands up and grabs a briefcase when I'm about five feet from the door.

"Hey, buddy, hey pal, what's in the briefcase and why do you have it, Creature?"

They look at me, their expression insane but also nervous. "It's definitely not a bomb... It's for emergencies."

"Creature, if you explode somebody, you're probably going to be exiled from the camp."

They look around nervously, then stroke the briefcase possessively. "My precious..."

I sighed and got the door. "John!" John looked better than before, the right side of his face and neck was now bandaged and his right arm was in a splint.

Creature raises the suitcase above their head, ready to throw it.

"Creature, what the heck? This is a good person. Don't you know him?"

"Yeah, but he could've changed in the two days since I've seen him."

I sigh. "Come in, John."

We went to my bunk. I could hear Annabeth talking to Creature about coming across to people as a  psychopath as we walk past towards my bunk.

John and I sat on the bed.

"So, that was fast," I said, referring to the time he spent in the infirmary.

"Yeah, Burr knows what he's doing," he said, watching Philip through the wall of the tank the turtle was in.

"You can take him out if you want."

He carefully took Philip from the enclosure thing. "I love turtles so much..."

"I know. It's actually kind of creepy how much you love them."

"I would die for turtles," he mutters quietly, just barely loud enough for me to hear.

I laugh.

Hey everybody give That-fandom-trash a hand they let me make them a psychopath without consent

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