The path of darkness

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(y/n) POV

"And how are you today my darling?" Salem asked, "Well I could be better." I said, "What could I do to make your stay here more...comfortable?" She asked, "Well a little sunlight would be nice, maybe a nice sandwich, oh and all my stuff back and a way to get home. Yeah, that'll make me real comfy." I said, "I'm sorry dear, but I can only fulfill one of those things. So tell me, dear, how do you like your sandwiches?" She asked cockily, "Wipe that smug look off your face. I won't be here forever and when..." I said, "You mean if love." She said, "WHEN I escape I will make you pay." I said, "Well if that ever happens you are more than welcome to try love." She said, "Oh I will try and I will succeed." I said. 

Juliet POV

"Juliet honey please get some rest." Kali said, "No not till I find (y/n) and bring him home safe and sound." I said exhaustedly, "Honey please if you keep up like this you will collapse from exhaustion!" She said worriedly, "I...I'll be fine, I...I can...I can keep going." I said as I collapsed into her arms, "Honey how long has it been since you've slept?!" She asked, "What day is it?" I asked, "Tuesday, "Fourteen months." I said sarcastically, "BE SERIOUS DEAR!" She shouted, "About a week maybe more." I said, "Honey you need to sleep! You won't be any good to anyone if you're too exhausted to do anything." She said, "Ok you win." I said, "Come on sweetie let's get you to bed." She said as she helped me to bed.

Kali POV

"How is she?" Glynda asked, "She's sleeping for now." I said, "Kinda feels like I've adopted a daughter of sorts." She said, "She's been looking for my baby for over a week far as I'm concerned she's family." I said, "Our baby at best, but you're right I guess." She said as we walked to the kitchen, "Have you been seeing anyone lately?" I asked, "I've actually been talking to someone, but I don't think I'm going to ask them out, not with everything that's going on with (y/n)." She said, "Tell me everything!" I said excitedly, "Well her name is Pandora, I met her a few weeks ago. I didn't tell (y/n) about her cause I didn't want him to try anything again." She said, "What do you mean?" I asked, "Well I wasn't always with April, we actually broke up for about a month and in that month I had six different relationships and six different breakups all because of (y/n)." She said with a laugh.

Flashback thirteen years ago (y/n) POV

"So Alice was it? What are your intentions with my Mommy?" I said as I shone the light in her face, "Well um hopefully if everything goes well maybe we could live together someday." Alice said I glared at her, "Ok you can go." I said as I put a tootsie pop in my mouth, "Ok good cause your mom and I have somewhere to go." She said, "THAT WAS A TEST YOU FAILED!" I shouted as I tried to flip the table, "Need some help sweetie?" She asked, "Yes." I said as she helped me flip the table, "Thank you that table was a lot heavier than it looked." I said, "No problem sweetie maybe someday you'll get it on your own, but that's a long way away." She said, "Ok now you can really go and I suggest you don't come back cause Mommy's getting back together with April." I said, "Wait what? Sweetie that's not funny." She said, "She's upstairs right now with Mommy." I said as she stormed out. "Hey Alice did you and (y/n) get to know each other?"  Mommy asked, "Oh yeah and we're done!" Alice said angrily, "Honey what happened here?!" Mommy asked as Alice slammed the front door behind her, "I don't know she just went crazy Mommy." I said, "Sweetie where'd you get the sucker? You know you're not allowed to have sweets before your nap." She said, "Alice gave it to me, she also said something about a van." I said, "Ok sweetie it's probably good that this happened." She said as she picked me up.

"OK SCUM BAG WHERE WERE YOU ON THE NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER THIRTY FIFTH!" Sun yelled, "W...What?" David asked, "HE'S RESISTING!" I yelled, "GET HIM!" Neptune yelled as he pounced on David, "Good work junior junior detective." Sun said. 

"Hey sweetie wheres David?" Mommy asked, "He got arrested. Something about making sure no one finds her body." I said, "What is wrong with me?! He's the sixth one this month!" She said. "April!" I said happily as I ran across the street, "Hey bud!" April said as she hugged me, "I missed you April! Please come back." I said, "I missed you too honey, but I can't. You understand that your mom and I are on a break right now right?" She said, "But you're the only one for Mommy!" I said, "That's sweet and all, but this is for the best bud." She said, "(y/n) sweetheart don't run off like that...April." Mommy said, "Hi Glynda, (y/n) he saw me and wanted to say hi." April said, "Oh well um I have a meeting and well now I have to find you a sitter." Mommy said, "I...I could watch him for you." April said, "That'd be great thank you, (y/n) be good." Mommy said as she kissed my forehead.

"Ok, bud what would you' like for lunch?" April asked, "Chicken nuggets!" I said, "Sorry bud I don't have any." She said, "Don't lie about the nuggs April!" I said, "Ok you got me I just can't bring myself to stop buying them even after Glynda and I broke up." She said as she pulled the bag of chicken nuggets out of the freezer, and right as she put the nuggets into the oven there was a knock at the door, "Oh crap I completely forgot! Well, bud looks like you get to meet one of my old friends." She said as she answered the door. "Well shit." She said as she put her hands up and backed up slowly, "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!" David shouted as he pointed a gun at me, "What do you want?"  April asked, "Oh it's very simple I wanna make this little shit pay!" David said angrily, "HEY HE'S JUST A KID AND A YOUNG ONE AT THAT! HE'LL SOAK UP STUFF LIKE THAT AND REPEAT IT!" April yelled, "Oh just shut up  your just the admittedly very sexy babysitter." David said, "What's your plan?" April asked, "Well first of all after those idiots finished beating me I decided I wanted to kill the kid who caused and possibly ruined my relationship. So I decided to kill him and score major points with his mom. First of all, I'd make up some bs story about how you two got kidnapped and I heroically followed the kidnappers, however by the time I caught up to them you two had made a very dumb decision that got you both killed. And who would be there for the heartbroken mother? That's right ME!" David said, "Ya know its a shame what I'm about to do and trust me this hurts me far more than it hurts you." He said as he hit April in the head with his gun, "David." I said coldly as I walked over to him, "Die!" I said as my fist was engulfed in dark lightning. I punched him as hard as I could. 

"OH, MY OUM! WHAT HAPPENED HERE!" A woman shouted as she ran inside, "April are you ok?"  I asked, "Y...Yeah, I'm fine." April said, "Oh hey Alice." She said, "Wait Alice?" I said as I turned around, "OH NOT YOU AGAIN!" Alice and I yelled as the timer on the oven went off. "The food's done, I...I'll get it." April said as she tried to get up, "No you don't!" Alice said as she stopped April, "I'll go get it and you will keep this on your head." She said as she walked into the kitchen and tossed April a towel.

"April I'm here to pick up...(y/n)...ok this is my worst nightmare three of my exes in one place with my son." Mommy said, "AND WHY IS DAVID TIED UP, GAGGED, AND IN HIS BOXERS!" She shouted, "Oh you should have been here earlier he had a gun and still got his ass kicked by a toddler." Alice said with a laugh as she took a sip of her wine, "Alice not in front of the kid." April said with a laugh, "Ok how many drinks have you two had?" Mommy asked as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "One, two, four bottles." Alice said, "Ok and why is my child in the corner trembling?" Mommy asked, "They're animals. ANIMALS!" I said, "Those pore nuggs never stood a chance." I said, "Plus they tried to put me in a dress." I said as Mommy picked me up, "Ok sweetie let's go home you've had a strange day, to say the least." She said, "Oh no you don't you have to stay and have a drink!" April said, "April my son was held up at gunpoint! Did you even call the police?!" Mommy said, "Maybe." April said, "Ok no, but he's fine and Alice and I took care of David and put the gun somewhere safe." She said as she pointed at the fish tank, "Fine one drink." Mommy said.

End flashback Kali POV 

"Needless to say I stayed for more than just one drink quite a bit more if I'm being honest, but if (y/n) didn't end all those relationships for me I never would have gotten married to April even if it was for a very short time." Glynda said, "He's a good boy. Always looking out for his loved ones." I said, "MOMMY! FOOD! WATER! NEW PANTS!" (y/n) shouted weakly as he collapsed onto the floor, "BABY!" Glynda and I shouted as we ran over to him.

"Honey what happened to you, how did you escape, but most importantly where are your pants?!" I asked, "Long story. Cliff notes, big explosion, lots of running, crashed a wedding, bridesmaids stole my pants." (y/n) said, "Wait bridesmaids as in plural?!" Glynda asked in shock, "Yep and that's all I will say about that other than to them no meant yes." He said.

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