Bad resaults

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(y/n) POV

"REALLY MOMMY?!" I asked excitedly, "That's right kitten you're not going anywhere, if Kali wants to watch you grow up then she can move closer to us." Mommy said, suddenly there was a knock on our door. I went to answer it to find Blake standing out there. "Blake!" I said happily as I hugged her, "Well someone's in a good mood this morning." Blake said, "Blake please come in. We're making breakfast if you'd like some." Mommy said, "That sounds great, but um I actually wanted to ask you something Mis. Goodwitch." Blake said as she walked over to mommy, "Please Blake call me Glynda." Mommy said, "Ok I'll try. But I wanted to ask you if it would be alright if I moved in with you. Chris wants to go live up in Atlas with his stepmom, but all our family is here and I don't want to be that far away from everyone." Blake said, "Well I'm ok with it and I'm sure April won't really mind too much. There's just one more person left to get the ok from." Mommy said as she pointed at me, "Hmmm I guess she can live with us." I said, "That settles it Blake Belladonna welcome to our strange little family." Mommy said, "This is great, how much rent will I owe you?" Blake asked, "Oh no you're not paying me a cent! Blake you're family this is what families do for each other. But if you feel you must give me some form of payment you can let me hold the baby, and send me lots of pictures of them once they're born." Mommy said.

"Ok kitten show me what Cinder taught you!" Mommy said, I nodded and began swimming over to her. I went under a few times, but I eventually made it to my mother. "Great job kitten! I'm so proud of you." She said, "GLYNDA! (Y/N)!" Grandma shouted as she ran over to us, "MOM NO RUNNING BY THE POOL! THINK ABOUT WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE YOU'RE SETTING FOR (Y/N)!" April yelled as grandma jumped into the pool, "I'm sorry sweetheart, but can you blame me for wanting to see this little guy faster?" Grandma said, "So I hear you decided not to send him away." She said, "That's right, I'm going back to being a normal mother. That means until Beacon is back to normal I'll be at home all day with my baby." Mommy said happily, "That's great to hear, but what about money? Surely between this trip, getting a new house, replacing what you lost, and the wedding you're going to need some help with cash." Grandma said, "You'd think so, but we won't be hurting for cash any time soon." Mommy said.

"Mama are you mad at Mommy?" I asked, "No sweetheart, I'm just upset that I don't get to raise you myself that's all." Mama said as we walked down the street. "What if you moved closer to us?" I said, "I might just do that sweetie." She said as she gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"NO! I DON'T WANNA GO MOMMY!" I yelled, "(Y/N) (M/N) GOODWITCH I DEMAND YOU ACT YOUR AGE THIS INSTANT!" Mommy scalded, "I AM!" I yelled as she tried to pry me off a lamppost, "Fair point, but still this is ridiculous!" She said, "Come on bud just give it a try. If you don't like it then I'll buy you any treat you want." April said, "A...Alright, b...but it's scary!" I said, "Come on kitten how will you know if you don't like it if you don't try it?" Mommy said sweetly.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we don't serve their kind here." A man said as he stopped me and Mama from entering the amusement park, "Excuse you?" Mommy said angrily, "I'm sorry ma'am it's company policy." He said, "I want to speak to your manager!" She said angrily.

Mommy and April were talking to the manager for almost an hour before they came out of the office. "We shouldn't have any problems anymore." Mommy said, "Turns out that guy has been refusing to let faunus customers into the park for months now. And he's even gone as far as to remove faunus customers that he found in the park." April said, "So what happened?" Mama asked, "Oh he got fired and our day here is free. That means we don't have to pay for food or drink, but if we go to the gift shop we get half off." Mommy said happily.

"Ok kitten what do you wanna do first?" Mommy asked, "That." I said as I pointed at a rollercoaster, "How about we start you off on something more suited for children your age." She said, "Oh come on Glynda I say we let him go on it." April said, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Mommy and Mama said in unison, "What if I went with him?" April said, "Ok but you are not to let him out of your sight!" Mommy said, "Ok ok I get it. I wont let him out of my sight and I'll hold his hand the entire time until we're on the ride." April said as she took my hand.

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