The fight

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(y/n) POV

Blake and I were walking to her dorm when I accidentally ran into someone. I fell to the ground upon impact, but I wouldn't be down for long since the man I ran into picked me up by my collar. "What was that for freak?!" He asked angrily, "I...I'm s...sorry." I said in fear, "Come on Cardin he's just a kid leave him alone!" Blake said, "Shut up!" He said, hearing this made me mad, "You shouldn't to talk to big sis Blake like that." I said as I scratched his face, "YOU BRAT!" He shouted as he threw me into a wall, "(Y/N)!" Blake shouted as she ran over to me, Cardin walked over to us and was about to hit Blake. I raised me right hand and began to gather energy, but it wasn't fast enough.

 He was about to punch Blake, but before he could some weird portal opened and an arm emerged from it and caught Cardin's punch, "Oh come on punching bag picking on a kid? That's low even for you." A man said as he emerged from the portal thing.

 "And you just keep digging that hole deeper don't ya

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 "And you just keep digging that hole deeper don't ya. Tell me what possibly made you think that attacking my girlfriend would be a good idea?" He asked as he kicked Cardin away, "B...Big sis w...who's that?" I asked, "Sup kid I'm Chris Fall." He said, "Now then let's take care of this loser shall we." He said as he helped me up, "B...But I can't fight." I said, "Sure you can, I believe in you." He said as he pushed me forward a bit, "So your sending a kid to do your dirty work hugh? And you said I was low." Cardin said, "Ya know what after I'm done beating this brat I'm gonna beat her, then this kids mom, and then I'll go after Lucinda." He said, suddenly the palm of my right hand began to spark, as the sparking grew more and more intense a ball of electricity formed, "I WONT LET YOU TOUCH MY MOMMY!" I yelled as I ran at him, "Tough guy hugh, tell ya what I'll let you have one free hit on me." He said, "NOW DIE!" I yelled as I thrust the ball of energy into his chest sending him flying back.  

Blake POV 

"Good job kid." Chris said as he placed his hand on (y/n)'s shoulder, suddenly two more balls of energy formed in (y/n)'s hands, but this time they sounded like thousands of birds chirping. (y/n) looked back at me for a brief second and his once (e/c) eyes were now glowing yellow. Suddenly he ran towards Cardin.

(y/n) POV

"DIE!" I yelled as I tried to land another attack on Cardin, but before I could land my attack I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. "Nap time kid." Chris said as I blacked out.

Chris POV

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Blake yelled as she picked him up, "Relax he's just unconscious. He got caught up in the adrenaline rush, if I didn't stop him he would have killed Cardin. Not that literally anyone would care, but he's just a kid and I couldn't let him have blood on his hands." I said.

(y/n) POV

"B...Blake?" I asked groggily as I woke up, I rubbed my eyes and saw Blake lying in the bed next to me, "Good morning (y/n)." Blake said, "What happened?" I asked, "Well yesterday you lost control and you almost killed Cardin, but before you could Chris knocked you out as gently as he could." She said as she got out of bed, "Where's my mommy?" I asked worriedly, "Don't worry, she got called out on an emergency mission, she didn't have anyone to watch you so I volunteered." She said. "When will she be back?" I asked, "Hard to say. Sometimes pro huntsmen can be gone on a mission for weeks, months, or in extreme cases years, but she promised to be back as soon as she can." She said. "Where are the others?" I asked, "They left for breakfast a few minutes ago." She said as she finished getting changed, "Let's go join them. We don't have any classes today so we can go to a park or something later." She said, "Ok." I said.

Cardin POV

"We're gonna make that little freak pay for what he did to me!" I said, "What did you have in mind?" Dove asked, "Oh you'll see." I said.

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