2 a.m. (Dally fluff)

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Lyrics of 2 a.m. by Room 94
Also this is modern

black and nothing,
painted lies
no more colour in my tainted mind.
i keep letting go but i forgot the reason.
i keep letting go i gotta stop you leaving
you're all i want tonight
you're all i want tonight.

My P.O.V.

I left Buck's house in tears, how could Dally have said what he said? Now I was feeling worse than I was this morning. I woke up kinda sad, for no real reason other than I was just not feeling myself or something like that. I needed some reassurance so I started asking Dally questions about how he felt about me, he answered the first few just fine but began to get annoyed after a while and then straight up yelled at me. His words replayed in my head "God damn it Emma just stop asking me questions!". After he shouted he left the room, probably to get a beer. So while he was gone I left. I thought about walking to my dads house about a block away, but I decided against it considering Dally might show up there looking for me. I walked to my sisters house instead, it was about another block or so, but at least Dally might not expect me there. At my dads house my room was on the first floor right by the living room, and Dally knew that. I knocked on her door, the familiar face of my older sister opened and her smile faded when she noticed I was crying. She pulled me in and sat me down on the couch and she ran to the sink to get some water for me.

its 2am
i'm standing outside in the dark with the moon beside me
it's 2am
and i don't know why tonight i've got this feeling inside me

Dally's P.O.V.

I went down to the bar to have a beer and think about what had just happened, sure I yelled at her, but she was asking me so many questions, asking if I really loved her, I went back up to my room when I noticed she was gone, I don't understand, maybe she wasn't asking me all those things because she thought I was cheating or something, that's what I'd originally thought she was getting at. I grabbed my denim coat and threw it on not bothering to put on a shirt. I ran down stairs and told Buck I was leaving because I needed to take care of something. He just nodded as a response and I was out the door. I figured maybe she was at her dads house. So that's where I went

where do we go we'll never know
if you don't pick up the phone
it's 2am
and i'm a little lost turn on the lights you'll find me
crooked picture hanging on the wall

My P.O.V.

My sister came back to the couch with some water in her hand. She passed it to me and I mumbled a "Thanks", she asked me what happened and I started with this morning and how I was feeling and then as I started to talk about Dally I began to cry, I was talking real steady for someone who was crying. I finished the story and she looked at me with sympathy filled eyes. "Since you don't want to be at your dads you can stay here tonight. The guest bedroom is all yours, sissy."
"Thank you" I said looking at her while another tear rolled down my cheek. She gave me an apologetic looking smile and asked me if I wanted to take a shower or if I wanted to eat, I said yes to both and she offered me the left over pizza in the fridge and ran to get me some pajamas. I ate and went upstairs to take a warm shower, maybe it would calm me down.

i try to fix you but i might fall
i keep letting go but i forget the reason
i keep letting go i gotta stop you leaving!
you're all i want tonight
you're all i want tonight

Dally's P.O.V.

I checked her dad's house. I knocked on her windows and when she didn't answer I looked through the curtains, the lights were off and the bed looked like it was all made up. I knocked on the door and asked her dad if he had seen her,he told me he hadn't and I thanked him and walked away. I spent an hour searching for her, her cousin Two-Bit hasn't seen her, the Curtis' haven't seen her, Johnny hasn't seen her either. I went back to Buck's to ask if he saw where she went, he said he saw her leave but he didn't know where. Great, he could have at least told me. I spent another hour in my room thinking about where she could be. Then I realized she might be at her sisters. Probably to get away from me. I grabbed my coat again and ran the two blocks

it's 2am
i'm standing outside in the dark with the moon beside me
it's 2am
and i don't know why tonight i've got this feeling inside me

My P.O.V.

I tossed and turned in the bed. I was so used to laying right against Dally's warm chest or shoulder, I miss his arms snaking around me in his sleep, but I wouldn't admit that, not then anyway. I checked the clock. 1:59 am. I let out a loud sigh. I missed Dally, I wanted to cuddle with him so bad. I couldn't take it. I started to cry again. I couldn't hear the pebbles hitting my window through my loud sniffles and sobs.

where do we go, we'll never know
if you dont pick up the phone
it's 2am
and i'm a little lost turn on the lights you'll find me
just turn on the lights you'll find me just turn on the lights

Dally's P.O.V.

I walked to her sisters house picking up pebbles along the way. I'd need them considering her room was on the second floor of her sisters house. I got to the house, I saw the light in her room was off. "God I hope she's in there." I said out loud with a sigh. I tossed the pebbles, each one hitting the window and falling to the ground below. Finally I saw a little movement behind the curtain which suddenly disappeared. I didn't see a face, just a dark figure, but I knew it was her. Well, I guess that's her way of nicely telling me to get fucked. I decided not to give up. I took the rest of the pebbles and threw them. I ran out of the little stones. I stood there not knowing what to do. I know it's my fault but god damn I miss her. I stayed in my spot until I heard footsteps running towards me from the front of the house.

its 2am
i'm standing in the dark with the moon beside me
it's 2am
and i don't know why tonight i've got this feeling inside me
where do we go we'll never know if you dont pick up the phone

My P.O.V.

As my sobs got quieter, I heard the pebbles, I rolled out of bed quickly and pulled the curtains back slightly. I saw Dally standing there. "Thank god!" I thought. I let go of the curtains running out of the room and down the stairs out the front door, towards the side of the house where Dally was standing. I ran into his arms and he immediately grabbed me and held me closely. "I'm so sorry baby. I never meant to hurt you ever. I love you, I'm sorry." "I missed you Dally, I missed you so much." "I know baby, do you want to talk about what happened?" I nodded and took him to my room upstairs. He took off his jean jacket, his converse and his pants, he always did prefer sleeping in his boxers. We sat there talking about what happened. Dally apologized for how he treated me and he reassured me that he loved me and would do anything for me. I soon fell asleep in his arms.

it's 2am
and i'm a little lost turn on the lights you'll fine me
just turn on the lights you'll find me
just turn on the lights you'll find me
just turn on the lights you'll find me
just turn on the lights you'll find me

Dally's P.O.V.

Emma ran into my arms, I apologized and she said she missed me. We held each other for a while. I asked if she wanted to talk about it and she nodded dragging me up to her room. She laid down while I undressed myself. She told me how she was just having a bad day and she felt very insecure and how I yelled at her and hurt her feelings. "Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just hate that you don't see yourself like I see you. I laid down on my back and she put her head on my chest, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep

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