Sick Ponyboy Headcanons

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❤️this boi is v v v grumpy

❤️and it's the cutest shit ever because he's so small and helpless but he looks mad the whole time

❤️he's like an angry bunny rabbit and you think it's cute which makes him even more mad

❤️his nose is red and stuffy and he's always so sleepy

❤️he's more cuddly than usual and he always wants a book to read

❤️he also wants kisses but you won't kiss him cause you ain't about that sick life

❤️but you'll let him lay his head on your lap and you'll play with his hair

❤️he cusses a little when he coughs or sneezes

❤️he groans like he's dying

❤️he's so dramatic about EVERYTHING

❤️"y/n can you cuddle with me?"

❤️"one minute Pony I'm making you something to eat

❤️"*fake cries* fine I didn't even want to cuddle you anyway"

❤️you have to feed him because he won't feed himself

❤️he's literally just like a pissed off baby

❤️at the end of the day he lets you cuddle with him and you'll read to him as he falls asleep

❤️Darry And Soda appreciate you so much because they can still go to work and get enough sleep

❤️after Pony is healthy again he takes you on a date to make up for helping take care of him

❤️you sometimes catch whatever it was that Ponyboy had but you think it's worth it because you got to spend time with him

❤️when you get sick though? O h n o

❤️he stays away from you cause he doesn't wanna get sick

❤️he prob gets sick easily too

❤️his eyes always seem a little brighter shade of green so you're always looking at his eyes

❤️he writes you cheesy love poems to thank you for taking care of him

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