You wear his clothes

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6 headcanons for each boy❤️

-it's huge on you
-hugs from behind
-he can't stop smiling
-he thinks you're adorable
-you probably wear his shirts in public with a pair of shorts under
-he keeps looking at you thinking "woah"
-when he sees you in his shirt he can't stop smiling at you
-wants you to try on a few more
-gives you some to keep
-they smell just like him
-you probably sleep in his shirts
-you wear them when y'all cuddle
-probably blushes
-literally can't tear his eyes from you
-kisses your nose
-thinks you're even prettier than a sunset
-y'all probably share clothes a lot
-he'd give you some of his clothes but Darry would probably be mad tbh
-can't stop grinning
-tells you you're pretty
-it probably has grease on it
-lots of kisses
-makes you wear his shirt when y'all cuddle
-literally wants to marry you right then and there
-super turned on tbh
-motions you to come to him with his finger
-gets really touchy
-grabs your butt
-heated kisses
-instant boner
-gets really flustered
-slight jaw drop
-smiles widely
-tells you that you look like a princess
-wants to hug you the whole time
-shows you off
-really proud that you want to wear his clothes
-he feels really loved when you wear them
-slowly comes up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist
-kisses you all over your face
-takes you out just so other people will see you in his clothes
-kinda whiny when you wear the shirt he was planning to wear for the day but let's you wear it anyway

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