Johnny x Reader

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Today I had been jumped by some socs. I barely got away, the only reason I did was because I was able to pull out my switch that my cousin and brother had taught me how to use and cut the guys arm open. Not enough to do any real damage but enough to show that I wasn't joking. With Two-Bit being my cousin and Johnny being my boyfriend it's safe to say I was apart of the gang. I limped my way to the Curtis house where I saw Ponyboy and Johnny talking on the front porch "oh great" I thought. "Johnny's gonna be so worried" I hated to worry him. I approached the boys and Johnny's tan face went white. "Emma what happened?" I ignored the question and instead let out a groan in pain. Ponyboy helped me inside and sat me on the couch. Two-Bit was immediately at my side patching me up while Johnny held my hand and caressed it with his thumb. "Kid were you walking alone?" Dally asked me with an upset tone. I was easily embarrassed and having Dallas yell at me for being alone wasn't going to help, so instead of answering I got up and walked out starting on my way home, despite the seven voices behind me calling my name. By this point it was starting to get dark and within a few minutes the street lights would be on. Nevertheless I walked home, and when I got there my brother took one look at the bandages and was instantly infuriated, as for my father well he worked the night shift at his job and he wasn't home. My brother sent me to my room to rest and he gave me some food, some water, aspirins and a book to read. I was silently reading when my cousin Two-Bit walked in "Hey kiddo! How come you ran out on us like that?" "I didn't want to have Dal up my ass about walking alone." "Shoot kid that's only cause you're like a kid sister to him. He ain't mad at you he's just worried for you" "Oh. Where's Johnny?" "He'll be here soon he's out at a movie with Ponyboy and Dal" "Two-Bit?" "Yeah Em?" "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" "Yeah kid, move over. I'll stay until you wake up just Incase you have another one of those nightmares." I moved over and he laid next to me asking me questions about the soc when I fell asleep telling him about it. Shortly after Johnny came in. "H-how is she?" "She's alright. She fell asleep" Johnny climbed onto the bed on the other side of me and laid next to me. "You can go home if you want Two-Bit. I'll stay with her." "That's okay kid I promised her I'd stay." Johnny put his jacket over me like a blanket and in my sleep I turned on my side towards him and put it halfway on him so that we were sharing, which melted Johnny's heart. The two boys fell asleep soon after. And I woke up happily surrounded by family.

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