22-Even With it All-22

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You laughed as jimin grinned at you, giving you a taunting wink as she jumped around the boat once more, silly poses being done as the girls were not far off.

"Calm down, you'll tip yourselves over" Jisoo lightly scolded the two of you and jimin apologized, but there was still a mischievous smile on her face as she sat down.

"I don't like it" Lisa whispered over to Jennie with a sigh and Jisoo gave her a firm glance.

"None of us do but," Jisoo glanced over again to where you were talking animatedly with jimin, grinning from ear to ear, "she's her friend, we just need to try and get along"

"I don't really see a problem with it either." Jennie commented to which she earned an unconvinced looked from all girls making her huff a bit.

"I swear, I'm not a jealous person. I've hurt her too many times to really consider having the option to ever really hate her for having fun with someone else" Jennie said which warranted some proud and sad gazes from her friends.

After having finally come to terms with the fact that she was helplessly in love with you, she had quickly told her band members and friends.

They had all been very supportive and comforted her, and that was all she could really ask for at this point.

It made her feel happy that her friends would be jealous in her stead, but she didn't really see a point in it because in the end it was really up to you to decide who you wanted to be with.

So she's ignore that annoying ache in her chest when she looked over and saw jimin reach and push a strand of hair behind your ear.

"God, let's go and eat. See if that takes her off her damn lap" Lisa grumbled and the rest agreed, already feeling their stomachs grumble at the mention of food.

"that was fun" you commented as soon as you got off the boat as jimin jumped excitedly beside you.

"Hey Can you help me?" Jennie asked a bit shyly as she struggled to get out of the rocking boat and you chuckled slightly, moving towards her without hesitation and extending your hand towards her.

She took it happily as the girls stayed steady and you grinned as soon as she stumbled into your arms.

"Sorry" She said and you shook it off.

You missed the slight glare Jimin was giving Jennie, disapproval seeping out of her for a solid second before you met her gaze and moved away from Jennie once she steadied herself and to her side.

"Let's go eat" you said happily and everyone nodded, not missing the tension that was starting to rise as Jennie grabbed your arm and dragged you off.


You hummed happily as you ate by Jimin, who was telling you animatedly a story about her hometown.

Keen on every word and every movement, you missed how Jisoo was looking at Jimin with an glare.

"Hey, you feeling ok?" Lisa whispered to Jennie who sat next to her, and Jennie shrugged, picking at the food the managers had placed in front of her.

She knew that it'd be hard to get you away from jimin, but it was just the first day. She shouldn't start to lose hope just yet.

Once jimin had stopped talking for a second or two, Jennie quickly got your attention.

"Yeah?" You questioned, jimin quieting down to let the other speak.

"After eating I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk? Just the two of us?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Sorry, jimin already asked to go" you mumbled looking at her apologetically, and Jennie felt herself flatter, hoping her face didn't show it.

"Hey, we can finish the work we have so that we can do something fun together tomorrow" Rose quickly intervened and Jennie nodded, giving the three girls a thankful smile before turning to look at the other two girls in front of her.

"Sorry" jimin apologized, but the way she said it rubbed everyone wrong.

"Are you girls done eating?" The manager asked before anyone else could speak.

"Yeah, just about" Lisa said, glancing at jimin before walking towards the exit, the girls following behind.

"Man, I would've gone with her... now I feel guilty" you said once you were alone with jimin and she shrugged.

"We made plans before her, you shouldn't feel bad. Now come on"

You tried not to dwindle on the guilt too long, you had more time today to hang out with her.


You lied.
The entire day was spent with jimin dragging you places before you had the chance to really even rest at the cabin.

It seemed as if every time you were close to talking to Jennie or any of the other girls, jimin had a new activity for the two of you to do.

You had been so tired that by the end of it, you just wanted to sleep. Still the thought of The girls stayed on your mind and you wanted to go say goodnight of something, but the lights of their rooms were off and you decided against bothering.

Dejected, you moved towards your own room and went through your nightly routine before finally settling in your bed.

However, just as you were falling asleep you heard a soft knock at your door.

You grunted a bit, but got up to go check who it was. The knocking had stopped, but there was suddenly a voice behind the door.

"God, What am I doing? She's probably asleep and tired, I should just go-"

You opened it to see Jennie looking startled at your sudden appearance, her face flushing.

"Hey, jennie, is something wrong?" You asked and Jennie fidgeted for a second, looking lost for words before she shook her head and spoke.

"I know it's and odd request and I know we haven't talked, and I know it's been a long day, but can we just... can we just cuddle?" Jennie asked, voice softening at the end and it almost made you coo with how genuinely scared she looked at asking you as if afraid of rejection.

You looked at her for a second, simply admiring how young she looked, how free she acted. This was the Jennie you had fallen in love with. This was what you've fought so hard to protect.

You knew that you had vowed to let your feelings go, but it was so hard to forget sometimes.

Jimin was a nice distraction, but Jennie took your attention without really even working for it.

"Yeah, of course, Jen. It's not odd, I've cuddled with Jisoo and rose before." You said, closing the door behind her and moving to the bed, scooting over a bit once you were on and patting the now bigger spot beside you.

Jennie seemed to lose all tension from her body and she even smiled before excitedly getting under the covers with you with her pillow still clutched to her arms.

You didn't know why you thought you'd be the big spoon, that's just what you assumed, but the girl had her arm wrapped around your waist as soon as the pillow was moved to a side and she was pulling you closer to her.

You were a bit startled but it wasn't a bad thing. If anything, the warmth and comfort of having her so close like before, as if all the mishaps of weeks prior had just melted away and it was just the two of you here and now.

In this bed, enjoying this somewhat vacation.

You didn't know when you fell asleep, maybe it was somewhere in between Jennie's soft lulling breathing or the hand running through your hair.

It was definitely before the soft kiss to your head.

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