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It was really high time you got tired of the drama.

Really, you were exhausted of all this and just want to go somewhere far away with your friends and rest for a bit.

You'd just sleep under a cool shade that an umbrella dug into the beach sand would bring listening to the waves crash against one another, but no, you were here in your own damn store dealing with cameras flashing in your eyes and your name being called out.

You could feel the headache coming.

You rubbed at your tired eyes, taking in a deep breath before putting on your best customer service smile and approaching the cameras.

"as much as I'd like to answer all your questions, I have a business to run and if you aren't here to buy, then I'll sadly have to kick you out as you are disturbing my customers" you said, loud enough for the people to hear and it quieted down if for
A second before people were bombarding poor Min Soo with orders.

"Order line please!" You shouted and it took a hot minute or two but eventually the handful managed to get in a somewhat decent line and now the rest of the workers were running around trying to get the orders out.

You tied your hair back then and let out a small groan underneath your breath.

Time to get to work


It wasn't exactly long to catch wind of why there were so many reporters and people in your cafe.

Word of Jennie's bruises had spread across the internet like wildfire and your name was being plastered on the websites in confusion of your act of taking her away from reporters.

The company had made a quick statement that quickly put you as not the villain, but the hero of the story as getting her out of a situation with a crazy fan and ensuring the public as an old time friend of theirs who just wanted to protect her friend.

They had kept your name private, but it wasn't hard for them to really pinpoint your life down and now here you were, profiting like crazy for your small cafe but also exhausted as could be and ready to throw in the towel as you served the last reporter and gave them a vague answer.

You had encouraged Min Soo to change the sign to say you were closing sooner than usual and since you had made a huge profit, promised the workers a bigger pay for that day.

So as soon as six hit the clock your workers were basically rushing everyone out as they went on their merry way to clean up the cafe.

You had plopped down on one of the booths, head lulling back against the green cushioning and you could feel someone else's presence in front of you but you were too tired to raise your head.

"Rough day huh?" You heard Min Soo giggle and you nodded as best as you could. Her face softened as she saw how tired you really were and as you closed your eyes you heard her let out a sigh.

"Whatever it is you're going through, I hope it ends soon" she said and you almost laughed.

"Me too"


You had managed to sneak past the reporters and hope on your motorcycle before they could get a word out of you.

Luckily, when you got to your apartment, there hadn't been a single soul in sight with a camera. You hadn't taken the risk however and ran upstairs, excited to just let your body fall on the bed and sleep for hours.

However your sleep was rudely interrupted by knocking of your front door and Molly's barking.

You groaned a bit, not wanting to get up. Really would it be bad of you to just let the person knock?

Whoever the hell it was, they'd probably bring some sort of problem with them and you were not ready for something like that today again.

"Open up, I know you're in there"

You groaned louder, ready to just throw yourself out the window. You loved Rose a lot, but you really didn't want to know why she was here.

Yet you dragged yourself out of bed and made your way to the door.

"Chae Young, please, I'm like dying, stop knocking so harshly on the door" you said with a whine as you swung the door open and met the eyes of said girl, who's brows furrowed a bit and bottom lip jutted out as she looked at you.

"Wow, you look bad. And if you're using my real name then we really do have a problem" she said and before you could react, Jisoo was pushing you inside your own house, closing the door behind you as soon as all four of you were in and Molly was tipping at your feet.

"We have a big problem actually" she said , her face serious and you were distraught by the sudden graveness in her voices.

"What happened?" You asked, feeling more awake then before and the girls almost felt bad for dumping this on you when you looked tired as could be.

Nonetheless, the worries would have to wait because they needed all the help they could get. So with a deep breath, Jisoo's grip on your arms tightened a bit before she spoke.

"Jennie ran away with her boyfriend"

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