4-Mandatory Make Over-4

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"Alright, this is going to be pretty basic! We are just going to give you a hot makeover and then send you off to the club with us as your posey" Lisa says as she had you held by your hand, dragging you along the driveway of their house to their entrance all the while you stumbled along.

She burst into the house with a happy bounce to her step, Jisoo scolded her lightly for not closing the door behind you and Rose bounded along after you, going straight to her room.

Unluckily for you, as you stumbled your way behind Lisa you were suddenly stopped by Lisa herself and clashed a little stupidly against her back, a pout on your lips as you tried to look over her shoulder.

"Lisa, why'd we-" you stopped as soon as you saw Jennie, dressed up in the nicest outfit you've seen with makeup decorating her already flawless face... it was making your heart go a bit faster than it should've.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here today" Jennie said and you were about to respond, but Lisa beat you to it.

"Well maybe if you actually took time to go out with us-" at the same time, Rose cut Lisa's bitter words off, "she's got a date tonight and we wanna get her all hot for it" she said and you could see Jennie pick up both sentences with different reactions, but mostly settling on upset.

"Well, um, that's... that's good. I'm uh, sorry i haven't been around much, it's just Sehyun-"

"Yeah yeah, oppa wants to take you to do things and you don't have enough time for us, we get it, bye, have fun" Lisa said before suddenly wrapping an arm around your waist and whisking you into Rose's room.

You failed to notice the hurt look on Jennie's face as Rose simply shook her head and went after you two, saying a small goodbye to Jennie before closing the door to her room.

You stood there a little dazed at that, a bit unsure of what to do or say but it really didn't seem as if you had much to say anyways.

Jisoo came in a second later, hands full of dresses that looked way too short for your taste and you gulped nervously.

"Do you wear contacts?" Rose questioned as she took off your glasses, a small sound leaving your throat as your vision went completely blurry.

"Holy biscuits, you are blind" Rose said with a giggle and you purse your lips
Before shaking your head.

"No, contacts are really uncomfortable" you said and from beside you Lisa sighs before taking the glasses from Rose and perching them back on your nose.

"The glasses won't bother much, they're pretty basic. All we need is to find a good dress to go with it" Lisa said and you nod before rose claps her hands as she runs over to her bed where Jisoo has set down all the dresses.

"Ok, strip, baby girl, we gotta get it going"
Lisa said and you look at her a little startled, a soft blush forming on your face.

"Baby girl? Lisa, what is she? A one night stand?" Jisoo starts, sputtering a bit as she tried to hold back her laughter and rose couldn't hold it, she just laughed loud and unfiltered as you shifted a bit to a side and held the bottom hem of your shirt.

"Sorry, take it off, my sweet muffin" Lisa said with a fake sugary tone and a bat of her eyelashes that seems to send the other two laughing harder and you just roll your eyes, turning around to take off your shirt finally and as soon as you do, the laughter seems to turned into choked gasp.

"Holy- you have a tattoo?" Rose said as you turn around to look at them, covering yourself with your shirt.

"Yeah?" You squeak out, your face still a burning red as they just stared.

"Is it a problem?" You asked, suddenly
Feeling very self conscious of the art across your entire back and immediately Lisa shakes her head, going over and putting a hand on your shoulder.

"No no, it's fine. Just a shock that you have a tattoo" she explains for all of them and quickly the other two nodded, easing your insecurities.

"Oh, ok... wait, what do you mean by me?" You asked, having caught onto her slight lilt when she said you.

"Well, you're the soft cafe owner who wears cute animal aprons for work and wears glasses, It just doesn't seem like something you'd have" Jisoo explained calmly and you looked over at them a bit confused.

"Well, uh, I guess? I use to not be like this actually. I was the troubled child in my family and eventually kind of angry at my family for their lack of understanding after they found out a possibility in my future was a wife. Though we are fine now. It was just more of a rebellious phase when the tattoo occurred, but I don't regret it, I really like it." You spoke softly as you turned back around and moved your hair, giving them more of a view of the tattoo and all of them looked a bit in awe at it.

They had never really found out much about you since they met you, only knew the basic things like where you were from and your hobbies. They never really knew much of your family so hearing this was a new sort of nice.

"Well, either way I like it and it'll look totally cool in a low cut back dress" Jisoo said and she moved half of the dresses to a side before pulling out a red dress that looked like nothing you'd wear today, but she shoved it into your hands and urged you to put it on.

So you did and all of them simultaneously agreed that it was the one, grabbing you once more and whisking you to Jisoo's room this time where all of them had most of their makeup.

"Hair down or up?" Rose asked as she collected your Mop of hair and looked at you from the mirror of the dresser.

"Up!" Both Jisoo and Lisa cut in and you close your mouth as Rose winks at you.

"Ok, honey, close your eyes" Jisoo said as she moved to sit in front of you and you did as told, while immediately she got to work.

Overall time passed pretty quickly and before you knew it you were done.

All of them cheered excitedly as soon as you stood up, Rose running over to her closet before coming back with red heels that didn't look too bad so you slid them on.

"Wow, you look hot!" Lisa said, a whistle leaving her while you blushed a bit and looked down, feeling exposed.

"Hey, sweetie, it's fine. We're going to take you to a good club and we'll be with you throughout the way so if you feel bad, we'll whisk you away, ok?" Jisoo said and you looked up, nodding as your friends grinned happily at you.

"Ok, then let's get ready and going!" Lisa said as she basically bolted out of the room with Rose right behind her all the while Jisoo moved to her closest the quickest you've ever seen her move.

You had no idea how the night would go, but you trusted your friends and with a happy smile you watched Jisoo get ready.

Tonight would be a good night.

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