21-It Begins-21

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You had been bouncing the entire ride to the cabin, so it wasn't shocking to anyone about how excited you had been running out of the car despite you avid denial of it.

"Whoa this place is great" you gasped excited at the absolutely sheer size of the cabin, your eyes trying to capture ever single detail of the wood.

You were enthralled to see the lake beside the cabin too, it shouldn't shock you how beautiful the place was, they were famous enough to get to shoot with a scenic view of Korea.

Still, the beauty was breathtaking and by the time you had ridden yourself of all your luggage in the room, you had all but bolted back outside.

It saddened you that it was a bit on the chillier side today, but that didn't stop you from dipping your toes into the cold water and grinning despite the shiver than ran through you.

You were happy.

"Hey, how are you liking it?"

You grinned up at Jimin, her features showing amusement as you swung your legs  to cause ripple effects in the waters.

"It's so calming. I'm glad you talked me into coming." You said and Jimin giggled, plopping down on the board walk with you and bringing her knees up to her chest to rest her head.

"Me too, I'm glad the girls weren't opposed to me coming with." She said, her gaze going to your form as you kept looking at the waters.

To be honest, she almost wanted to laugh at how things went down. The girls had been so happy to take you along, so enthralled as they told their manager you had agreed that they never expected you to ask if it was fine to bring someone along.

Their managers had been ok with it, really seeing no harm in it as to their eyes there was nothing wrong with you bringing a good friend of yours.

Unaware of how the girl they had agreed to let go was the one that made their mood turn foul in an instant.

"Yeah, I don't get why they wouldn't want to though" you said softly and Jimin couldn't help the grin that kept spreading across her face.

"Because they didn't seem very happy to
Meet me" she said and you shrugged at that, jimin's eyes trained on your every movement.

"I mean, they're a bit wary with strangers but you're a good person. They'll warm up" you said turning her way and giving her a warm smile. She gazed at you for a moment, nothing but a pure feeling to you that made her stomach twist. She nodded before you turned back to the lake.

She turn to look where your gaze was directed at and smiled into her arms.

"I highly doubt it"


"You guys can have free time as soon as the shoot is done, we promise" the manager had said and that was enough to calm Jennie down the tiniest bit, but there was still an unhappy frown on her face as she looked out the window to the board walk where you were sitting next to Jimin.

She kept chalking her emotions up to jealousy, but the girl just rubbed her the wrong way even without it.

It wasn't just about you anymore, the way Jimin acted was just too... familiar to her.

Working so long in the idol life, you get to pick up on when people are genuine or not with the smallest of movements or words.

The way Jimin did everything was like she was hiding something, but what really set Jennie off was the fact that she did these things without even acting like she was trying to hide it.

She couldn't keep telling herself she was just being naive.

No, Jimin had an alternative motive and she wanted Jennie to know what it was.

Still, as things stood Jennie couldn't think of what it was that Jimin was after.

Maybe that's why she wanted to come along however, she knew that this was a week where you'd all be basically alone from public eye. No one to really persuade anyone in anyway. She was going to pull her move this week.

Jennie was worried, but she had no doubt in her mind.

She was finally going to do things right by you and not even Jimin would stop her.

She just hoped that she wasn't too late to get her feelings across to you.

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