Author's Note.

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Hello! Spacey here. I just wanted to write this author's note to tell you guys that I might be ending this story soon. Maybe in like five or six chapters. But don't worry, I'm already working on the outline for a sequel. I also wanted to see what you guys wanted to read at the end of this story. I have some ideas but I also wanted to be interactive and see what you guys think. If I get no comments or any type of feedback, I'll go on writing like I had it planned.

Here's a bit of sad news, I won't be uploading the sequel until about a month after I've wrapped up this story. I gotta have some time to plan out the sequel.

And now for the fun part. What would you guys like me to write next?

Option one: Austlan Cashby [Austin Carlile & Alan Ashby. Guy on Guy]

Option two: Jalex [Jack Barakat & Alex Garskath. Guy on Guy]

Option three: Kellic [Kellin Quinn & Vic Fuentes. Guy on Guy]

Option four: Tony Perry [How Tony meets his wife Sam (a character in this story.) and all the things they go through as a couple]

So, I hope I get something back from you guys. If I don't get anything I'll be writing about option one.

Thank You!

Read, comment, vote, & FAN!

-Spacey Tacos.

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