Chapter 15 - You really screwed up this time..

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[A/N: Ohhh, vhat is this? The SECOND upload of this story in the SAME week? Whaaaaaaatttt? :O Yep! Two uploads in one day! *applause* Thank you thank you! I had some inspiration to write this chapter and I didn't want it to go away.. 

So drumroll please..

pudummmmmm pudummmmmm

without further hesitation,

Chapter 15 of White V-Neck! :D]

**Mike's P.O.V.**

The alarm I had set on my phone was going off.

Ugh, why did I set the damn alarm so early?

Oh yeah, thats right. You're gonna break the news to your girlfriend that you've been sleeping with her sister. Her own SISTER for the past two months.That you've been flying her to where you were and meeting her in a hotel to have sex with her.

I let out a long sigh and finally got out of bed to turn off the alarm. I noticed Ally wasn't in bed.

Then I realized.

Her sister Kathy, the one I've been sleeping with, was flying in this morning.


I let out a groan as I pulled my black skinny jeans on. I opened my drawer and took out a white v-neck. 

Haha just my fucking luck.

I quickly pulled it over my head and slipped in my black Toms.

Quietly I made my way downstairs, knowing I was gonna regret the sight of the girl with Ally.


"Hahaha! You did not!" I heard Ally laughing.

"Yeah. Yeah, true story." I heard Kathy say as I was coming down the stairs.

We made eye contact. I have no idea how long we stared at each other but I guess that made Ally notice.

"Mike!" she happily said.

Oh God that broke my heart.

"Come say hi to my sister." she said placing her fingers in between mine.

"Hi.." I said, my voice almost cracking, while I looked at the floor.

I looked back up and saw Kathy tense up.

"Hello Michael.." she said.

"Woah so much tension.. Chill out you guys. What's going on?" Ally said steeping in front of me and looking into my eyes.

Here. Goes. Nohing.

"Alls. There's something I have to tell you." I softly said to her. Looking over her shoulder I saw Kathy mouthing the words 'Don't do it' but I had to.

She sat down on the couch in front of me and Kathy sat on the one across from us.

A tear started streaming down my face as I began talking.

"Ally I hope you don't hate me after I tell you this but I know you will and I want you to no I regret it so much." I looked down at me holding her hands. "Ahhhh.. Ally.."

"Oh come one spill it Fuentes! You're worring me." she whispered frowning.

I let out a long sigh. "Ally, I slept with Kathy."

"You.. you what?" she said, looking at Kathy then at me, while tears were streaming down her face.

"I slept with Kathy. I'm sorry. It didn't mean anything, I swear."

"Why would you do this to me Mike?"

"Look Alls, sis, it was my fault.. I pressured him into it." Kathy said frowning and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"No! You fucking slut get out of this house and the fuck away from me. I never want to see you again. Ever. God Kathy, you're such a fucking tramp. You've ALWAYS done this. Why the fuck can't you keep your dirty vagina in your fucking pants?!.. GET THE FUCK OUT!! NOW!!" Ally demanded angrily.

 With that Kathy got her bags and stormed out of the house.

"Michael.." Ally said.

She only called me Michael when she was disappointed in me.

"Michael.. We- We're over. I-I just can't take the pain you put me through. I'm sorry I'll always love you but I just can't do this anymore." she said kissing my cheek and getting up.

Great. Now I've lost the one girl that meant the world to me. And why? For someone who wasn't even worth it. 

~the following night~

"Can I sit next to you?" a sweet lovely voice said. I looked up.

It was Ally. 

She was wearing black sweat pants and a white tank top with a blue hoddie and some blue socks. Her now black hair was on her head in a messy bun.

"Sure." I said scooting over just enough.


"I missed just hanging out with you like this Mike." she said softly.

"Me too Alls."

"I love you Mike.

I smiled. "I love you so much Allison."

She was hurt, I could tell.

White V-Neck. [Mike Fuentes]Where stories live. Discover now