Chapter 19 - Sweet cherry pie!

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  **Mike's P.O.V.**

I woke up with Ally in my arms.

This is how it should be.

I heard people talking in the kitchen so I quietly got up without disturbing or waking Ally up and went in there to see who it was.

It was my brother and Jaime kissing. They looked so happy. I wish I could be happy like that with Ally.

I decided it was time to ruin their little PDA session.

"Guys no PDA in here please." I said making gagging noises.

"Oh shut up. We don't tell you anything when you kiss Ally in front of us." Vic laughed, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Honestly I wish I was right now. I miss her a lot." I said looking down at my shoes.

"You miss who?" Ally said walking in the door. Her dark hair messy and covering half her face.

"Here let me fix this for you." I said walking closer to her and sweeping the hair off her face. "I miss you Ally. So much. You have no idea." I whispered as I hugged her close to me.

"Me too." she whispered back, burrying her face into my chest.

"Aww they look soooo cute together." Jaime and Vic cooed in unison.

"Of course we do you guys." Ally smiled.


It was Thursday night and the guys had decided that we should have a double date. I was bringing Ally and Vic was bringing Jaime, of course.

We were going on the typical date night. Movies, dinner, and a walk.


Vic was wearing black jeans and hoodie over a white shirt. Of course he was also wearing his signature gray beanie.

Jaime was wearing all black. Black pants, black shirt, black vans, everything.

I was wearing black jeans and a white tank top covered by my favorite black jacket.

Then Ally came downstairs.

Oh my God.




She was wearing black skinny jeans torn at the knee. She was smart so she wore tights underneath. It was a good thing since it was cold. She was also wearing a simple white v-neck (just my luck). Her hair was straight. She had no make up on. Her skin was fair but a little pale.

"Ready to go on our double date?" Vic smirked.

"You know it!" I said giving Ally a side hug.


We arrived at a Chinese restaurant.

"How many?" the hostess asked.

"Four." Jaime said.

"Right this way."

The lady led us to this booth on the left side of the buffet.

"Drink?" a small Chinese looking woman asked us. I assumed she was going to be our waitress tonight.

"Four Sprites please." Jaime said as we nodded in agreement.

"So someone should stay here in case the waitress comes back and the others go get their food." Vic suggested.

"Go on. You love birds go first." Ally said to Vic and Jaime.

They smiled and left.


"Have you noticed that the girl sitting at the table next to us keeps staring at you?" she said sounding a bit annoyed.

Was she jealous?

Duh, of course she was.  This girl loved you with all her heart.

I decided I'd tease her a bit.

"Awh is someone jealous?" I smirked.

Ally's head shot up.

"Well duh." she said frustrated.

"There's no reason you should be. I only love you." I said stroking her hand. She was sitting across from me so I was staring into her eyes.

She smiled and I smiled back.


"We're back." Jaime and Vic said with plates full of food.

"Our turn!" Ally said excitedly sliding out of the booth.

"Come here." I whispered opening my arms.

She opened hers as well and we stood there hugging in front of that girl.

"I'm sure she gets the hint that I don't want anyone but you." I whispered into her ear.


"Scoot over." Ally said to me as we piled onto Vic's car.

"Okay. Okay Miss bossy." I laughed as I scoot over to make room.

"Off to the park." Jaime smiled.


"Ready?" Jaime said.

We decided to have a contest. Vic was going to be sitting on Jaime's lap while Ally was sitting on mine. We were going to see who swung higher. I didn't know how much they could hold but we were gonna try anyway.

"Mike, I don't think this is such a good iiiiiiideeeeeaaaaaaaahhh!"

"Don't worry, it's gonna be fun." I assured here.

We were so busy caught up in our conversation that we didn't notice that the swing Jaime and Vic had been sitting on broke.

"Run." they said before we all started running back to Vic's car.

"Did anyone see us?" Vic asked worried as he clicked on his seatbelt.

"No one saw us babe." Jaime said.


"Dude, what day is it today?" I asked Vic.

"It's the 20.. Ohhhhhhhh shit." Vic said opening his eyes wide in realization.

"What?" Ally asked in confusion.

"Tour starts today and we gotta be in the first venue in like two and a half hours." Jaime blurted out.

"Get packing we only have ten minutes!" I said running upstairs.


"Tony. Pack. We're on our way to your place." Vic said. "For what? You know your starts today. Yeah. I thought so. Hurry you have twenty minutes."


"Hurry up Tony!" Vic yelled as he opened the trunk.

"I would if someone would help me." Tony said.

They were done loading Tony's stuff quickly as he got in the car too.

"Hey Alls. Hey Mike." he said breathing heavily as he sat down next to us.

"How could you guys forget we had a show today?" Tony asked.

"Shut up. You didn't remember either you freakin' turtle!" Jaime laughed as we pulled up to the venue.

Thankfully we got there on time.


"This next piece is a verse from the song If I'm James Dean, Them You're Audrey Hepburn by our good friends Sleeping with Sirens." Vic said strumming his guitar. "From Mike to Ally."

"Stayyy for tonight, if you want to. I can show you. What my dreams are made of as I'm dreaming of your face." he sang as we played along.

"Now this is the real thing. Ally, Mike wanted to dedicate this song to you." he said pointing to Ally. The crowd went quiet. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Yeah Boy and Doll Face."


"There they are my favorite boys." Ally said smiling and opening her arms.

"Group hug!" I said hugging Ally from behind and pushing her into the middle.

I missed this. The love. The happiness. Everything.

"You guys, I wish we could stay like this forever but we gotta get back on tour. Don't we have to be in San Diego in the morning?" Ally said

"Oh yeah! Back to The Veil." Jaime said leading everyone back to The Veil (that was what we decided to name our bus.)

"This bunk is mine!" Tony said climbing into the top left bunk.

"This one is ours." Jaime said sitting on the one below it.

"Yeah!" Vic agreed, sitting next to him.

"Which one do you wanna take Ally?" I asked her.

"Do I have to take one b y myself?"

"Yeah, I mean if you-" she cut me off.

"I thought we were bunk buddies for life?" she pouted 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

The bus was filled with 'aww' as Ally hugged me.

"She's so short compared to Mike." Tony laughed.

"I know. See I'm a midget. Look, I only reach up to his shoulder." Ally laughed.

"Hahah, yeah you are. But you're a cute little midget."

Once again the bus was filled with 'aww.'

Ally stood in front of me and I stared into her eyes for what seemed like forever.

"Just kiss her already!" the guys said throwing pillows at me.

I cupped Ally's face and pulled her closer to me. I gently pressed my lips against hers. They were so soft and warm. I felt her smile and that caused me to press mine against her harder. She wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. Her mouth opened and I snaked my tongue in. Our tonuges danced together for awhile until we were interrupted.

"We said kiss her not eat her face!" Vic said laughing.

"Shut up. We don't tell you anything when you're eating Jaime's face off, now do we?" I shot back. 

Vic blushed red as Jaime burst out in laughter.

'You too Preciado. We've caught you several times eating Vic's face off." I laughed.

They were both red as tomatoes.


"Tony Perry?" Ally asked. We were making sure the band was here.

"Up here." he replied.

"Up here what?" she asked.

"Up here Miss Ally."

"Thank you." she chuckled a bit. "Vaime Fuenciado?"

"Down here Miss Ally." they said together. Jaime pulling Vic closer to him.

"Michael Fuentes?"

"Ugh, do I have to call you Miss Ally too?"

"Yes. Now do it."

"Here Miss Ally." I said hugging her.

"Okay good. Now that everyone is here you can go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

She was right.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.

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