Chapter 2 - Hanging out

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White V-Neck.

Chapter 2 - Hanging out



The time was 5:30 PM and my adrenaline was through the roof.


"It's not a date, Kathy. We're just hanging out with Jaime, Tony, Vic, and their girlfriends." I said while I finished putting on my eyeliner.

"So like one big group date?"

"No Kathy. We're just hanging out."

I got up and looked at myself in the full body mirror. I was wearing skinny jeans torn at the knee, a black v-neck, and black Toms, and a black belt. I decided my hair should be wavy today.

It was a little cool but not too cold.

My phone started ringing, Mike was calling. I smiled widely as I tapped the green box.

"You ready? I'm outside your house." Mike said cheerfully.

"I'll be right out." I said before hanging up.



"I'll be right out." she said.

I got out out of the back of the van, quickly, trying not to step on anyone.

"Excuse me you guys." I said in a childish voice.

Honestly, I was surprised at how much I was excited to see this girl. I mean, I just met her yesterday.

There's just something about...

I rushed outside to see her standing there.

She looked absolutely beautiful, without even trying..

"Come on. They guys are pretty hungry and so am I." I said smiling.

"Who's van is it?"

"It's Jaime's." I smiled as we walked to the van. "We're gonna have to sit at the back because all of the seats are taken."

"Sounds good."

Tony's fuckbuddy (who he claimed was his girlfriend now, because he was totally over Sam now, when he was the one that asked for the break between the two) Isabel opened the door for us.

We sat in the back as Jaime drove us to Whataburger. I looked over at Ally. She looked at peace.

"We're here!" Tony said throwing his arms up in the air.

We all laughed at him being silly as we got out of the van.

Ally and I were the last ones to get out. I got off first then turned around and reached my hand out to her. She slowly got off as I closed the door.


As we walked into the building, she still hadn't let go of my hand. Everyone looked at us from the table. A huge smile spread across my face as we walked towards them.

"Someone's pretty happy!" Vic said as I sat next to him, Ally sitting next to me.

"You guys ordered yet?"

"Yeah." Vic said.

"Well I guess me and Ally will go order then." I said as Ally got up.

We walked over to the counter to place our order.

"Yes can I please have a double burger." she said as she looked over at me. "M-medium?" She asked softly.

I nodded yes.

"Same for me, no onions."

"Oh yeah me too." she said giggled.

Can this girl get any more adorable.

"How much is it gonna be?"

"21.50" Said the cashier.

Ally reached in her left pocket but I quickly pinned her arm to her by pulling her close to me. After a moment of hesitation, she put her money back in her pocket and I paid.

"You know you gotta let me pay for something." she pouted.

"No way. It's my treat." I said as we walked to our table.


"So who wants to go see a movie" Jaime asked as we all pilled into the van. The van filled with 'yes' and 'woohoo'

"Oh no. Not me. I don't have enough money." Ally said looking down at her hands. The van filled with 'aw'.

"No worries, I'll pay for you. Drive us to the movies, Jaime." I said gripping her hand, she thanked me with a smile.


"That movie was so funny." Tony said, everyone nodded in agreement. "Who wants to go to the park and play volleyball?" he added.

"Sure, why not." I said turning to look at Ally waiting for approval, she nodded in agreement.

"Okay, So I think that it should be me and Mike against you and Tony." Vic said to Jaime. "Would you gals like to join?"

All the girls said 'yeah'.


"That was really fun you guys hope I see you soon." Ally said and waved to the guys as we walked to her doorstep.

"So Ally, I've gotta tell you something." I said looking down

"Alright. Tell me." she smiled.

"Pierce the Veil is going on tour for 2 1/2 months."

"Oh, that's great. I'm happy for you guys." she said, her smile now gone.

"Don't worry the last date on that tour is here. I promise I'll mail you a backstage pass and everything. Please keep in touch. Call whenever, text me everyday. I promise I will pick up."

"Okay." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I hugged her tightly. I whispered in her ear an 'I'll miss you' and waved goodbye and half smiled as I walked away.

White V-Neck. [Mike Fuentes]Where stories live. Discover now