Chapter 18 - The pain in moving on

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—several weeks later—

**Ally's P.O.V.**

These past weeks have been hell. Mike has been really distant. A few weeks ago he had a sudden outburst. It cost me to shed many tears and a really red cheek..

--I was sitting on Mike's couch waiting for him to come home. I heard a knock on the door. I hurried to get it.

"You slept with him again? I thought that was a one time thing? And that you loved me!" Mike growled. His eyes were bloodshot. His breath smelled of alcohol and weed.

"Michael have you been drinking and smoking again?" I asked trying to pull him in but he freed himself from my grip.

"Don't change the fucking subject you slut!"

"Woah, watch your fucking language with me Fuentes."

"Why? You don't watch where you put your filthy vagina!"

"For your fucking information I've only slept with ONE guy and his name is Kellin Quinn Botswick! And it was ONE time and YOU know about it. I'm not you!! YOU slept with my fucking tramp of a sister!!" I yelled walking away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mike asked grabbing my wrist.

"Oww! Let go Michael! That hurts!" I yelled trying up free myself from his grip but it was too strong.

I took my phone out and quickly dialed Vic's number.

"Vic. Help. I'm at Mike's house. He-He's gone crazy.." were the last words I managed to say before it happened.

I felt his hand strike my cheek with such force it shook me. I fell to the ground clutching my cheek.

"Ally.." he stood there shocked at his own actions. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

He tried getting closer but I stopped him.

"Get the hell away from me you disgusting piece of shit."

"Ally I-" he started to say before Vic barged in the door.

"What the hell I going on here?" he said looking at Mike then at me.

"Ally babe! Are you okay?" Jaime said rushing over to me and helping me up.

"Some brother you have Vic. He slapped me." I said glaring at Mike.


"DON'T YELL AT ME!" Mike yelled back.

Pretty soon there was yelling and lots of insults being yelled too.

"Let's go." Jaime said letting Vic walk me outside.

"Oh and Mike... This one is for Ally." he said punching Mike in the face.

Mike put a hand to his face. It was oozing red. He shot me a look that said 'Sorry' before the door was closed.

"Tha-Thanks you guys." I said crying.

"Don't cry Ally. You deserve much better." Jaime said as Vic nodded in agreement. --

So now I'm just sitting here, crying to myself.

Why would he do this to me?


White V-Neck. [Mike Fuentes]Where stories live. Discover now