Chapter 14! ❤

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Summer's POV

I wake up and walk over to my dresser. I let my hair down and watch as it lies on my shoulders. I sigh and grab a black crop top that says " Haters gonna hate " and some light washed skinny jeans. I walk to the bathroom and shut the door and hop in the shower.

" Ahhh this feels so good. " I moan. I hear a knock on the door and shout who is it!

" It's Carter and are you having sex in my bathroom? I heard moans? " He asked and I can hear him snicker behind the door.

" Mmmmm yeah. Oh yes Channing you know how to turn me on. " I moan! Lol.

" It's to early to be having sex with Channing Tatum. " He shouts. I shake my head and then realize he can't see me.

" It's never to early! " I respond. I finish showering and put on my clothes. I brush my teeth and then straighten my hair. My hair is pretty long it goes down to my butt.

" I need a trim. " I mumble to myself.

" I'll say. " I jump and turn around to see Cameron. Oh lord.

" Can you go? I am getting ready. " I ask annoyed. He smirks and walks near me. I walk to toward him and he looks a little surprised by my actions. I lean up and then give him a hug. He tenses at first, but hugs back. He is in for it.

I reach the shaving cream behind him and put some on my hand and cough a little to cover the sound. I pull back and lean in to kiss him. He leans in too. What an idiot. I quickly smack him and yell " Smack Cameron cam " then run away laughing.

He looks astounded, but starts chasing me.

" Peanut butter! " I yell to Carter.

" Bubbles what's wrong? " He asks looking worried.

" I smack cammed Cameron and he is onto me! " I yell. He laughs and pulls me behind him. Cameron runs down the steps.

" Where is she? " He asks Carter. He shrugs and I laugh and then cover my mouth, but I end up snorting and he hears me.

" You are so dead Summer! " He says. I laugh and run outside. I keep running until I get to an ice cream place. Yummy. There is always time for ice cream. I walk in and see a really cute guy in the line. I get behind him and he looks back at me and smiles. I blush and look down.

" Hi what's your name? "He asks me.

" Summer. " I say. He nods and then orders his ice cream.

" I would like to pay for the very beautiful lady behind me" He says. I instantly blush and refuse to let him pay, but he insisted on paying.I order and they give us our ice cream.

" Mind if I join you? " He asks.

" Not at all. After all you did pay for me. " I say and he flashed a million dollar smile at me.

" I guess I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Matthew." I like that name.

" We'll thanks for buying my ice cream. So are you from around here. " I ask trying to make conversation.

" Yes I am. Born and raised. Are you from around here. " He asks.

" No I am from North Carolina, but I am living here now. " He nods in understand meant. We finish our ice cream and walk out of the door.

" Hey do you want to go to the park? " He asks scratching the back of his neck. I nod and we walk there.

" So do you know your way around here? " I shake my head no and blush because I feel like an idiot.

" We'll maybe I could show you around sometime? " He says in sort of a question. I nod and then I see Cameron running toward me.

" Runn! " I scream. We start racing to the park to lose him, but he is on our tails. He finally catches me and we all stop running gasping for breath.

" Mmm who are you? " Cameron asks Matthew.

" Hi I am Matthew. I just met Summer at the ice cream place down the road. " Cameron nods in understand meant.

" Thanks for the heart attack Cameron. " I say really sarcastic like.

" Your welcome and thanks for the smack cam. " He replies. I roll my eyes. Me and Matthew trade numbers and say our goodbyes. After that Cameron and I walk home together.

💜💙Thanks for reading💙💜

I know it was boring, but I wanted to update for everyone. Please vote, comment, and follow me! I follow back!


KIDNAPPED! Nash Grier Fanfiction!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora