Chapter 5!

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-Summer's POV

I woke up and went downstairs. I decided to fix breakfast for everyone. After I was done fixing pancakes my mom and Kylee came downstairs.

" Goodmorning! " I said trying to sound as happy as my voice would let me be.

" Goodmorning. " they both said rubbing the sleep from their eyes. We all ate in silence, and mom washed the dishes when we were done.

While she was washing the dishes we heard a knock on the door. Me and Kylee looked at each other then got up. We looked through the peephole only to see Nash, Cameron' and Matt. We creeped back over to my mom not daring to make a noise.

" Mom all three of the kidnappers are here! " I felt tears welling up in my eyes, but I pushed them back. Just for now at least.

" You two go up to Summer's room and lock the door, and do not come out until I tell you to! " We heard another knock and then scampered up the stairs to my room. We locked the door and window and sat on the bed trying to muffle our sobs.

We could hear my mother talking so we listened to the conversation.

" Hi Mrs. Drinnon are Kylee or Summer home? " I could tell it was Nash who asked.

" I am sorry they are not could I possibly ask why you need to talk to them? If you feel comfortable I will tell them when they get here. "

" It isn't very important we are friends at school and we were worried about them please tell them we stopped by. " I think Cameron said that.

" I sure will and thank you for stopping by to check on them! That was very nice of you all! "

" Ok good bye Mrs. Drinnon. " Matt said

" Goodbye. " She shut the door and told us we could come downstairs.

We came down, and all bursted with tears. I got a call from my friend Carter Reynolds and answered it.

💙💜 Thank You! 💜💙

I promise a big decision will come from this phone call in the next chapter! I will do my best to update tomorrow! Please comment if you like my story or ways to improve it!

KIDNAPPED! Nash Grier Fanfiction!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt