Chapter 13!

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Summer's POV

"What do we do with her? " Who said that?

" We'll it was your idea to kidnap her in the first place. I was hoping you had a plan. " Another voice said. Where am I and how many people are talking?

" I know god! Shut up I can't think you with you swarming me with questions! " I know that voice. No it can't be him! Why him. Let me make sure.

" We'll sorry god! " That other guy said.

" Dude she should be waking up any moment. " It is him. Oh my god I never in my life wanted to see him again. Isn't he supposed to be in prison? That guy is Colton, my ex-boyfriend. He had kidnapped me one time and beat me. He was going to rape me, but the police showed up and took him to prison. He is supposed to be in there for 3 more years.

I flutter my eyes open to look at him. Yes sure enough it was him. The same brown styled hair, and brown eyes. Muscular as ever and charming, but I don't look at him like that anymore.

" We'll look who finally decided to wake up. " Colton says and bends down to my level since I am chained to the floor. I move away from him, but not to far considering I am in a small as hell basement.

" Why do you do this? Didn't you have enough fun when you nearly starved me to death and beat me? " Oh yeah did I forget to mention he had me kidnapped for almost a year? Yeah pretty shitty right?

" No not at all I didn't get to finish the job I had once started. If I remember correctly your sorry ass mother found me and told the cops. " My mother is a sorry ass? Hell no!

" You need to back the hell off. My mother is something you will never be. You stupid scumbag! " I feel his hand collide with my cheek, but I am to fired up right now to care.

" God job you can beat a woman! Whoa some balls you must have. " I smirk a little and it instantly pisses him off. He points his finger in front of my face and I bite it.

" Owww you bitch. "

" I'm sorry did I do that? " He stands up and grabs my arms. Pinning me to the wall he says.

" Now listen here princess if you want to live you listen to whatever I say or what Jacob says. Understood? " He trails a sloppy line of kisses down my neck. Eww like get away. I don't want my neck to have tongue herpes! While he is doing this I fiddle with the handcuffs and secretly get them unlocked! Yes. I go along with this.

" Look at you being a good little girl for me. " He smirks in my neck! Ok I have had enough. I kick him in the nuts and he falls over groaning in pain. I step on his hand and nuts again hoping he can never get a girl pregnant. I see the Jacob guy coming toward me. I do a backflip and grab the back of his arms. I spin them and then push down hearing the bones break and his blood curdling screams of pain. I kick him in the nuts and spit on both of them.

" That will teach you to mess with a bitch that took karate and gymnastics. " I spit on both of them and turn the light out and lock the door on the outside. I scamper up the steps to their front door. I walk out and start heading home.

Nash's POV

Where is Summer? It's almost two in the morning and she isn't back. I know shes pissed at me, but god you can't seriously stay out that late.

" Hey Nash have you seen Summer? " Carter asks while trying to call her phone. I shake my head no. I sigh and then the front door opens and Summer is there.

" Ou my god. I was so worried about you. " Kylee screams running and tacking her in a hug. We all go over and hug her.

" Where were you we were worried sick about you. Never run off like that again! Do you hear me. " Carter yells. She puts her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes. Huh?

" Didn't you hear a word I said? " Carter asks through clenched teeth.

" Yeah I heard you. I heard you loud and clear, but hold your balls. You weren't the one that go my kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend and is getting fussed at. Lets go off on me and not be glad that I am ok. " She yells and stomps upstairs.

" I had no idea. Summer! I am so sorry! " He yells to her. She stops running up the stairs and turns around facing Carter and us.

" Yeah well you didn't give me time to explain. I would figure you didn't know anything. " She stomps the rest of the way upstairs and slams the bathroom door.

Summer's POV

I have had enough! I want to go home, but I can't! Ughhh! I love my best friends but my god give me time to explain myself before you go all crazy!

I run to the bathroom and strip down and turn on the water. I stop the bath water up and fill it with vanilla bubble bath stuff. I finally get my bath done in about an hour. Releasing stress takes awhile. I get out and put on my pajamas.

I walk to my room and hear crying from Carter's room. I open the door and run and hug him.

" I am sorry bubbles. " Ha my old nickname.

" It's ok peanut butter. " He lets out a chuckle and sits me on his lap. ( Eww not like that ya nasty)

" So were bringing out the old nicknames. " I say. He nods.

" I remember the day u gave you your nickname. It was when we were about five I think and I had to pee. So I go into the bathroom and see you taking a bubble bath. Yelling. Peanut butter bubbles. " I laugh at the memory and remember that's also why I call him peanut butter.

" We'll bubbles I am going to bed. Goodnight. " He kisses my forehead and picks me up and carries me to my room. He leaves and I curl up in bed thinking what a badass I am. I broke a guys arms and stepped on another's nuts and I think i broke some of his fingers.

I snicker and then pull the blankets below my neck and fall into a well needed sleep.

KIDNAPPED! Nash Grier Fanfiction!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat