H.P- Part 39.

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We cleared out all the bodies laying around the house and it was a tremendous struggle for me to just look at Liam lying there, but he had told me not to grieve about him. He had died as he always wanted to.

He died a hero.

As typical and clichè as it may sound, Liam went out there and faced Valentino like a man, risking his life and everything he had built, all for me. He was my hero. I smiled softly, his probably in heaven by now. Valentino on the other hand, that bitch was going to hell. He made everything chaotic and tense, he put Thomas on the verge of losing it all, and he always put him out of ease. He ruined his childhood and teenage years by doing what he did, but it was all over now. No more bad people after me, no more drug lords wanting to kill Thomas and me. No more lunatics after me. No more killings, or so I hoped.

In all honesty, I hadn't expected to kill Valentino on impact. Yeah, I knew he probably would be out cold from the hit of the fire extinguisher, but dead? Hell no, I didnt expect that.

I wasn't complaining though, my worries were over now. Marcus was on the phone, dialing some people to clean out the mess and clear out everything without the fear of them running to the police. The rest of the men were helping out here in the house, some were standing guard outside, and Thomas? Well, he hasn't spoken alot since what happened. Even if it was only 10 minutes ago. I realised he probably needed some time alone, some time to process what happened and take it all in.

"Hey sis," Marcus said aloud making me jump slightly as he put his arm around my shoulders. His goofy grin still plastered on his face, "I must say, I'm impressed."


"You," he said, "You're tough, brave, strong, beautiful, and amazing. And the way you're making Thomas feel, makes me happy because he hasn't been this happy before he met you. I swear, you make such a difference in everyone's lives, even mine. And God are you a badass," he laughed.

I laughed, "Thank you, Marcus. Really. I appreciate all you've done for me and Thomas, well, before you kidnapped me."

His face turned sour, "Look I'm real sorry about that, but I needed revenge. I'm sorry I dragged you into it all, but I already explained why I did it. I'm sorry, again."

"Its okay," I pulled a face and made my way into the kitchen. Heading to the cabinets, I pulled out some tomatoes, patties, onions, cucumber, lettuce and some potatoes and placed it all onto the counter infront of me. I turned on the stove and placed the pan onto it, waiting for it to heat up as I started chopping the onions and tomatoes.

"What are you making?" Marcus said as he pulled out a stool and sat by the kitchen island, focusing on what I was doing.


"For us?"

"For me," I corrected, "I dont know about you, but I'm starving."

Marcus raised a brow, "Hmp."


"Its just that you've been eating alot lately," he said and I turned around, placing my hand onto my hip and narrowing my eyes at him.

"And? Is that a problem?" I looked at him, daring him to say something else.

"No, oh and your moods change alot, dont think I haven't noticed. Literally a minute ago you were laughing with me, then you started becoming curt and all angry."

"What are you implying, Marcus?" I put the onions into the pan and the patties, as I started with the lettuce and cutting up the potatoes, "Just spit it out."

I was becoming agitated, really.

"Are you pregnant?" He blurted out and my eyes widened as I turned around and slammed the knife onto the counter angrily.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, "Why is that the first thing you assume?! So what if I like to eat, so what if i get moody from time to time-"

"All the time."

"SHUT.UP!" I yelled again, letting out a breath of air I didnt even know I was holding till now, "It doesn't mean I'm pregnant."

"And how would you know this?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, turning my back on him and continuing with my burgers.

"Did you take a test yet? Did you get your period?" He said. I gritted my teeth and put down everything.

"Marcus," I sighed, "Could we drop this subject please?"

"Fine. But I want a burger."

"Me too," Thomas came in and placed his arms around my waist and hugged me from the back, burying his face into my neck, "What were you two talking about?"

"Marcus here wants more burgers than me," I liked and I honestly felt bad about it, but I just couldn't tell him what we were really talking about. I know how hard he took it when we lost our first baby, I dont think he'll want to speak about it again.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah man, Mikayla is eating way too much food these days," Marcus said with a smirk and I eyed him cautiously.

Thomas laughed, "Hasn't she always."

I sighed with relief, he wasn't picking up on what Marcus was saying, but it did get me thinking though. I couldn't possibly be pregnant again? Right? No.

Probably not.

I got anxious at the very thought. The possibilities were high, and I started doubting whether we were ready again. What if I am?


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