H.P- Part 38.

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"What a pathetic bitch. You never could take an order," His low, angry voice sounded from the living room. I sat in the corner of the room, my knees lifted up towards my chest, my head buried between them as I let my soft sobs fill the room. My tears straining my face, that was already swollen and red from all the crying and panicking.

The possibilities of Thomas leaving me here was running through my brain and clouding my vision with nothing but a blur abyss filled with pain and sorrow. It was difficult for me to say goodbye to Liam, it would be a fucking nightmare for me to say goodbye to Thomas. My husband. My fucking rock and everything else. I knew he wasn't possibly going to go down without a fight, he never does. The thought bringing a small ghost like smile to my face. But the silence that fell after Valentino spoke had me worried, no shit, but that had to mean that either one of them didn't make it, or what if both of them... no. Cant be.

I got up slightly, placing my head awkwardly against the door the listen for any signs of shooting, fighting, screaming, etc, and one in particular made my eyes widen.

"FUCK," Marcus cursed and then his groans and pain filled cries sounded through the house. I wanted to kick the door down, hell break it if I could, but it seemed as though Thomas really made sure to keep whatever out of this room and whoever, inside this room. After countless failed attempts, I tried opening it again but failed. As expected. I cried loudly, sinking back down to the ground. I felt so helpless, useless even. We were supposed to do everything together, but here I was, all safe and sound while Thomas was out there, practically about to die.

I looked around me frantically. Here had to be something of use in here, here was a door which lead to a tiny bathroom, and that was it. But something caught my attention in the corner of the room, on the wall above me.

A fire extinguisher.


I growled, jumping like a lunatic trying to reach for it, when I finally did. Grabbing the thing off its hinges, it fell into my hands and let me just say that these things aren't as light as they look.

They are fucking heavy.

I carried it banged it hard against the door, as the door made a screeching sound. That wasn't enough, so I did it again. And again. Repeatedly until there was a whole big enough for a cat to crawl through. I growled and slammed my foot as hard as I could against the door, as it collapsed on the ground and all the attention was now on me. With puffy red eyes, a swollen face and my hair standing up at all angles, I stood my ground.

I didn't care if I looked like a chubby crybaby chipmunk right now, I was furious.

Marcus was standing chest to chest with one of Valentino's men, and Thomas was pointed with a gun by Valentine himself. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their attention towards me. Valentine carried a sick smirk on his ugly ass face, and Thomas widened his eyes. I looked into them for a split second before averting my gaze, I couldnt afford to cry again.

I made eye contact with Valentine who slowly made his way towards me. While Valentino and his guards attention was on me, Marcus lunged for the guard and snapped his neck in an instant and Thomas was infront of me, in a protective stance, not backing down as Valentino raised his arm, directly pointing the gun at Thomas' forehead. His finger lingered on the trigger.

"Valentino," I whispered and Marcus stared at me from behind him, signaling for me to not let go of the fire extinguisher, "Please, if you're going to hurt anyone, hurt me. Leave Thomas."

A sickening laugh filled the room and Valentino made eye contact with me, "Oh you're the infamous miss Mikayla Marcano I've heard so little about," he smiled, "You're really strong to be able to break down that door."


"Oh wow," Valentino laughed, "You two could win an Opera with those drama acts," he laughed again before his face turned serious and he pointed the gun again towards me instead, his finger dangerously holding onto the trigger making me quiver.

I didn't cry, instead I smirked and whispered, "Its about time I made a kill around here," and with that I grabbed his gun out of his hand quickly and threw it towards Marcus before lifting the fire extinguisher and colliding it with Valentinos head. A groan emitted from deep down his throat before he collapsed to the ground, his head hitting it hard and his body limp as the blood poured from his head. The blood spread around his head and making a pool around him made me want to gag.

Thomas stared at his body and fell to his knees, running his hands tiredly down his face before looking up toward me. I smiled softly placing my hand onto his shoulder, and he placed his hand on top of mine.

Marcus sighed, "Wow, you sure are someone who can take signals," he laughed coming closer to us, still holding Valentinos gun.

"Yeah well, I learned from the best," I laughed too looking at Thomas who was still staring intently at me, adoration and proudness shimmering through his eyes the more he did so. My cheeks started heating up and I tried hiding my blush but sadly it didnt work. Thomas got up, running his hand through his hair and wrapping one arm around my waist as he tugged me closer, not caring that Marcus was watching us like some creep.

I looked at Marcus, and he looked at me with raised eyebrows, "Hell no. I'm not leaving, I helped kill him you know, I deserve to be here," he said like a child, folding his arms across his chest.

I laughed softly and looked up, at Thomas. His arm still holding me in place as he moved a stray strand of hair away from my face, by the way, I definitely know there was more than one hair out of place, but I couldn't care. The way he was looking at me, was as if it were the first time we met, we locked eyes and a smile made it's way to his face. Not just any smile, the very same one he held at our wedding day.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, wrapping his other arm around me too, pulling flush against his hard chest that had my small hands on them. His lips moving slowly against my own as I felt my body melt within his hold and the warmth of his radiating off onto me and i wasn't declining.

He broke the kiss and started down at me before placing a lingering kiss onto my forehead, "Its over."


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