chapter two!

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"KATHERINE is smart, Damon. She's figured it out, by now. And that's not a good thing. If the Mikaelsons are really here, though, I can't stay either. They'll want me dead just as much as her."

Damon had gotten Grace acquainted with the Salvatore Boarding house, the current residence of Stefan and himself.

He sighed, unknowing of how to respond. Something fogged over his memory when he thought about Grace, like there were pieces of a puzzle missing.

"Why don't you stay here, for now? Stefan and I are willing to help you stay out of trouble. We're planning on getting rid of those pesky Originals, anyway."

Grace laughed somberly.

"That sounds like a stupid plan. There is no 'getting rid' of the Originals. What you and Stefan managed to do to Elijah was impressive, but you didn't use the right thing. Is- is Klaus around here?"

Damon could not tell what the shakiness in her voice was from, but Grace definitely appeared anxious when she mentioned the name of Klaus.

"He's made his presence known, yeah. Doesn't seem like you're too excited about that."

Grace pursed her lips, and let out a shaky breath. She stood quickly.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. Which is why I've really got to go-" "Grace, wait. I know you're afraid, but you just got back. I-I've missed you. You were my best friend back in eighteen sixty-four, y'know."

Grace rolled her eyes, unable to hold back a smile.

"So what, you wanna play catch-up? You wanna know what I've been doing the past hundred and fifty years?"

Damon smirked, putting his hands on Grace's shoulders.

"It beats you leaving without a trace and likely never seeing you again."

After a moment, she sighed in defeat.

"Fine. I'll stay for one night, but that's it. If I even get in the same room as an Original, I'm leaving."

Damon held his hands up. "Deal. So," he began, flashing over to the couch and taking a seat, "tell me all the gossip from the last century."

Grace began laughing, taking a seat beside Damon. She made herself comfortable, placing her head in his lap casually.

She was pained all over with yet another memory from 1864.

But this time, Grace pushed it out of her head. It was time to focus on the present.

.    .    .    .

"WELL..." Damon began, stroking her hair, "that was wild."

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