chapter one!

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IT had been too long.

By now, Grace was expecting Mystic Falls to be a ghost town. Leaving had been no easy task, because she had established some truly wonderful relationships with the residents of this town.

To this day, she was still being dragged around by the very one who had turned her: Katherine Pierce. Or, as she had been known two-hundred years before, Katerina Petrova.

Grace had once been Gracielle Vredickson. Today, she was went under a much more infamous name.

Grace Fredricks.

And, as Grace Fredricks crossed the borders into Mystic Falls, she was flooded with the memories once more.

Mystic Falls , circa. 1864

"KATHERINE dear, how long are we planning on staying?" Grace asked, quite unenthusiastically.

Katherine glanced over, raising an eyebrow.

"As long as they'll have us, Grace. I hear there are two lovely brothers that are quite dashing. Oh, speak of the Devil!"

She clasped her hands together, peeking slightly out of the window. Katherine never wanted to seem too eager, especially not around her new toys.

"Are we ready, Miss Fredricks?" she said, flashing Grace a smile. No one knew that smile as well as Grace, who saw the threats lying behind it.

Grace nodded, letting out a small sigh.

"After you, Miss Pierce." Katherine awaited the door opening, and slowly stepped out. It was agonizing to Grace, always following in Katherine's shadow. Literally.

After Katherine, Grace simply clambered out with some kind of irony to her name. She had most definitely never been the most graceful, even after becoming a vampire.

This took the two young men standing in front of her by surprise, when she hopped off of the last step with uncivilized humor.

"Oh, you'll have to excuse my cousin. She's not much younger in the face, but her actions say otherwise."

Grace clenched her jaw, not daring to look over at Katherine and inflict an aneurysm that would send her flailing on the ground.

Being a witch gave her those abilities, after all.

Scanning over the two men, Grace noticed immediate differences in their attitudes. The dark-haired one, with piercing blue eyes, he seemed much more laidback with Grace's bluntness and relaxed posture.

But the other one... he simply could not takes his eyes off of Katherine.

"Katherine Pierce," she introduced, holding out a dainty hand for each to take.

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