comming out

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[3rd POV]

Everyone sat in the kitchen with a heavy silence filling every crevice of the apartment. Cooked breakfast was layed on the kitchen table, steaming and smelling delicious. Today Jin had made pancakes, eggs, bacon and miso soup. 

Everyone was looking at Yoongi who stood in the middle of the kitchen directly infront of the guys, his ears and tail completely on the view. Yoongi was uncomfortable with all the stares directed at him, but he knew this was necessary. He needed to come out (happy pride month) and explain this whole thing.

"So, um, I need to tell you guys something", Yoongi unsurely started, crossing his arms in front of his chest, shoulders raised. His tail also coiled around his thigh unconsciously, Taehuyng letting out a guiet gasp as the tail moved on its own. 

"Umm, we all know that I have been a little distant for the past week, and, um", Yoongi stops to stare at the floor, drawing a circle on the tile floors with his socked foot. His ears turned to lay flat on his head in another selfcomfort method that Yoongi was unaware of doing. The moving ears were noticed by more members, and many jaws were dropped open at the sight.

Yoongi didn't seem to find the right words to start his story, as he himself didn't know where it started or how to approach the situation he had willingly put himself into.

"I, ugh, I don't-, I don't know how or where to start", frustrated sigh left Yoongi's lips.

"I, okay, here goes" clearing his throat Yoongi just decides to let everything out, and not think too much about the consequences. Closing his eyes thightly, he just lets go.

"I somehow turned into a hybrid and grew cat ears and a tail, I don't know why it happened but it did, I wanted to keep it a secret from you guys as you are all so busy but yesterday I got to know that this can'd be fixed and this is who I am now." Yoongi said with one breath, and after taking a big gasp of air continued with stll closed eyes.

"I'm apparently not done transitioning to the final mutation, so there will be changes in my appearance and behaviour, I'm so sorry, I can't help that at all. This is all very new to me, and if I could fix and remove this I would, but I can't do anything about it" At this point tears started to escape Yoongi's tightly shut eyes, and he needed to stop and catch his breath. He wanted to say something else, but instead of words a sad meow left his lips. 

Yoongi's eyes shot wide open with the unexpected sound escaping him, and with that he saw the reactions of his fellow members.

Jimin looked proud with a smile on his lips, Taehyung looked excited about the furry additions on his hyung's head, Jungkook looked surprised with his cheeks full of food, Hoseok looked relieved but also shocked, Namjoon and Jin looked to be shocked, and Namjoon had spilled his glass of orange juice on the table, but Jin didn't seem to care about it at this given moment.

"Was that-, was that a meow that we all just heard?" Hoseok was the first one to speak, with a huge adoring smile on this face.

"We all accept you Yoongi, no need to worry about that. The maknae's seem to have a couple of things to ask you though, are you okay with that?" Jin said reassuringly, getting back to his now cold pancakes. 

All of the members did have some questions that they wanted to ask, and after Yoongi promised to answer everything to the best of his abilities, they started firing away.

"When did you grow the ears and tail?" 

"I found out the morning a couple of days ago when Taehyung pointed the ears out"

"Are there other hybrids?"

"I actually met up with two people yesterday, who work with hybrids. One of them was a dg hybrid. That's why I was so late yesterday "

"Where did you find these people?"

"One of the days while I was sick I found a blog talking about hybrids. Most people thought it was all fake, but when Taehyung pointed out my ears I contacted them. They linked me and the couple together yesterday so we could talk about my situation."

This went on for a while. All of the members had questions to the man -or the cat- of the hour.

"Can you move them on command?" Taehyung asked with wide curious eyes glancing at the erect silky ears on his hyung's head.

"Um, sure, I haven't had much muscle training with them, so give me a mirror please", and a mirror was in Yoongi's hand the next second. Everyone was extremely curious, but only the maknaes actually showed it on the outside.

A chorus of 'whoa's was heard in the kitchen when Yoongi moved his ears to the front, back, sides and then turning them flat on his head. He even tried to only lift the left ear to be erect while the right one layed relaxed on the side, but only managed to do it for a couple of seconds.

In the end the movement became too tiring on the unused muscles, and that resulted in Yoongi vigorously shaking his head and ears, a chill running down his spine and puffing his tail a little.

"I need to exercise the new muscles more" Yoongi said with a shiver.

"One last question. Why did you hide this from us? I get that we are busy, but we had a deal to tell each other important things no matter the schedule or stress", Hoseok asked, leaning back in his chair, seeming relaxed.

"I thought this wasn't important and I could fix this on my own, but now that I know there is no 'cure' I decided to tell you guys. Which brings me to this.. Jin? Could you please dye my hair black?"



Hello, fellow stranger

I'm so so sorry for not updating more, but I just got hit with a big wall of unmotivation and writers block. 

I don't really like this chapter, and I'll probably re-write this sometime...

But I thought of another story idea: I want to do a BTS 8th member trans story. Would that be a good idea? The 8th member would be half korean FTM member, probably not the maknae or someone that can do everything like in some stories (no shade to any stories or authors, it's just my opinnion). As someone who experiences disphoria, I want to somehow let it out. 

I'm someone who is not sure of their gender, experiences disphoria and understands the struggles of a trans person. The story could be sort of an experiment for me with gender, much like this story actually is.

Leave comments on what you think of this, or any suggestions for the 8th member characterstics, strengths, weaknesses, etc. I really like reading your commets :)

P.S I found my first ever 4-leaf clover today and I feel soft and cuddly inside :)

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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#LilMeowMeow | BTS Yoongi hybrid storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz