new morning routine

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[3rd POV]

The next morning started with Yoongi being the first one to wake up. The male had woken up during the night to set himself an alarm, to reduce the risk of someone walking in on him while he slept and discovering that he still had cat ears sitting on his head. 

Quickly turning off the alarm, a sleepy Yoongi made his way to the bathroom making as little noise as possible. Slowly pushing the door handle down, opening the door, getting in, closing the door and slowly lifting the doorknob back to its original position, he let a sigh of relief. It was currently about 4:07 am meaning that the male got probably about 3 hours of sleep due to his anxiety of the previous evening's happenings with Jimin repeating themselves again. 

Not wanting to use the bathroom, as the slushing would wake the whole apartment, Yoongi just stood in front of the mirror staring at his reflection. Inspecting any new details or developments with his body that could have made itself present due to the mutation. He found that his ears had grown a little more and started to actually poke themselves out a tiny bit more of the hair mass. 

The ears were a little hard to move on command, but it became easier after doing it a couple times. Moving his ears to the front, sides, back and laying them flat on his head took a lot of concentration and moving the ears independently turned out to be very difficult, but Yoongi did manage turn his right ear to the side a little bit while his left ear was facing the front. You could say he was right eared.

Leaving his ears, he looked at his face to find his eyes had started to change shape. His eyes looked to be a little longer, as if he had a bit of eyeliner on the outsides of his eyes. The irises looked to be lightly bigger too. No other differences were present except the slight stubble Yoongi would need to shave from his chin and upper lip.

After quietly shaving his face Yoongi decided that it would be safe for him to hop in the shower, because he started to hear some sounds coming from the other rooms. Before he hopped into the shower he checked on the tail situation -- he figured that it had also grown with the ears. 

Oh boy had the tail grown. The tail had almost doubled in length, and the tail's black fur had turned shiny and silky with the tiny white tip still at the end. The tail ended at about the back of Yoongi's knee and now he could move it more. He also started to have more feeling in the tail itself, where as before he could only feel pain at the base of the tail. 

Concentrating on moving the tail he managed to lift it up about halfway, curl it a little, move it from side to side, forward and around his thigh. He was more aiming to curl the tail around his waist, but only managed to loosely curl it around his leg. 

After the moment with his shiny tail he hopped into the shower quickly washing his body and lastly his hair. Usually he washed his hair first and then body, but he wanted to be extra careful not to get any water in his new ears so he left that for last. 

When the task of washing his hair needed to be fulfilled, he turned the water pressure down, and slowly started wetting his hair. He did get some water in his human and animal ears, and he tried to keep the animal ears out of the way by laying them flat on his head. This was tiring on the new muscles that he hadn't used before, so after taking a little breaks he had managed to successfully get all of his hair wet. Starting to shampoo his hair and being gentle on the ear area, he let a relaxed sigh from his lips and closed his eyes at the relaxing feeling of his own fingers and nails scratching and rubbing the area near the sensitive ears.

Gentle purring sounds soon filled the bathroom and Yoongi lost the track of time for a while, before snapping out of the trans like state and proceeding to rinse his hair. Again taking small breaks from closing his ears, Yoongi managed to properly rinse the mop of hair on his head without getting too much water in his ears. He decided not to bother with conditioner today.

Stepping out of the shower after drying the floors, he dried himself off with a towel and taking time to properly dry his tail with the blow dryer before taking the dryer to his head. It must have been a weird sight to see a grown man, naked reaching to dry his ass with a blow dryer, but the thought of having basically a wet pool-noodle in your pants doesn't sound too good so Yoongi did what he had to do. After getting his tail properly dry and warm, he finally put on his clothes for the day.

Awkwardly trying to make the tight jeans more comfortable for his tail, Yoongi gave up and cut a hole in his boxers, and forcefully coiled the tail around his waist wearing the jeans on top of it. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it didn't feel good either, but that was the best Yoongi could do at this moment.

Finally getting to dry his hair and ears he had to be careful not to blow air into the ears as that hurt and stung a lot, he just gave up after a while just throwing on a sweatshirt and putting on a beanie to cover the ears.

Getting out of the bathroom, Yoongi made his way to the kitchen where he found Jin drinking his morning tea. Greeting the older Yoongi made himself his usual cup of coffee and grabbed a slice of plain bread to eat. Yoongi figured his senses had also gotten a lot better with the mutation and were going crazy due to the lack of previous use and that's why Yoongi was overwhelmed at yesterdays dinner.

"Morning, Yoongz. What are you doing up so early?" Jin asked over his cup of tea right as Taehyung entered the kitchen. 

"Mornin' Yoongi-hyung", Tae said through a yawn and Yoongi waved at his before turning back to Jin answering his question.

"I couldn't sleep so I took a hot shower", Yoongi half lied to his hyung and continued eating his plain breakfast.

Rest of the guys eventually came from their rooms as sunlight started to too creep in to the room through the open blinds illuminating the space more in a beautiful way. The kitchen started to get filled with talking and laughter before all of them gathered their stuff and left to practice. 



Hello, fellow stranger

This was a fun chapter to write. At first this was supposed to be a little different, but I like this more.

We also hit 300 reads so that is exciting!!

I'm sick right now, so that's fun. Anyways have a nice day/morning/night/evening!


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