overwork and voices

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[Yoongi's POV]

After we came back to the dorms with Jin, we noticed that the place was empty as the rest of the guys were practicing and dancing their asses off in rehearsals. We were still promoting for this season, but the doctor prohibited me from participating in any dance practices and advised me on not actually performing for the next couple of shows as my body was overworked. 

I don't really even remember saying anything to the doctor as I was getting so tired, so Jin hyung had to do most of the talking. He explained what happened last night with the cat and I had to just say how I was feeling this morning. Hyung was the one who listened carefully to the doctor on what they thought on the situation, and what antibiotics we should pick up for me just in case if there was some infection spreading from the bite. I kind of filtered all of that information from registering into my brain.

The doctor looked at the bite and said that it wasn't in a bad condition as it was just a little swollen and explained that my pains and tiredness was just my body responding to the bite and the weeks and weeks of overworking myself finally fitting all at once. So nothing serious, but I did get the next few days off from our company.

Currently I was laying on our living room couch under a bunch of blankets that Jin hyung forced me to get under. He had kindly picked up my prescription medicine (the antibiotics and painkillers) and made me some easy to eat food before he left to go to the practice. 

I felt bad for not participating in the practice, because all of the guys needed a break. They were all just as overworked as me, maybe even more. Jimin was most likely very physically exhausted due to his constant dancing and trying to perfect his already perfect dance moves. Namjoon was also very tired due to having to write so much music in a short amount of time and rest of the guys were all also very exhausted in different ways. We all needed a break, but I'm the only one getting one.

My overthinking and the sick feeling made me slowly feel more and more guilty about something that I had no control over. The overthinking made me also very tired, but it didn't stop me from forcing myself to stand from the warm and cozy couch to go to my home studio to work even a little bit on music because that's the only thing I could do. I know it was against the doctors orders, but guilt was eating me up.

I sat in my studio chair after grabbing myself another cup of coffee to keep myself from falling asleep. I managed to work on a couple of songs that needed some finishing, before I decided to rest my eyes for a little bit because the painkillers weren't helping with my piercing head ache. This resulted in me falling asleep for a couple of hours on accident, and I was woken up by Jimin placing his hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey, hyung. We're back from the practice. How long have you been here?" Jimin asked in concern looking into my eyes with a slight wrinkle between his worrying eyebrows. He still looked like an angel even when his hair was messed up from all the dance practice. I wanted to lift my hand and smooth the wrinkle from between his eyebrows and say that I'm fine, but I was too weak and also that would be a little weird.

"I don't know. What time is it?" I managed to push through my vocal cords that didn't seem to want to cooperate with me in any way because my voice was raspy and weak.

"It's 10 pm, lets get you up so you can sleep on an actual bed and not your office chair" Jimin said bringing his hands around my shoulders to help me get up after it was made evident that I couldn't sand up on my own. Looking down I accepted his help, trying to concentrate on placing my foot in front of the other and not on how close Jimin was to me. A small blush did manage to find its way to my cheeks, but I hoped Jimin would just brush it off as me being sick.

After a slow 20 meters of walking to my room with Jimin's help I was finally laying in my comfortable bed and with a sigh I let my head drop on the pillow. My head was pounding as badly as before, but it didn't really matter to me as Jimin was sitting next to my bed telling about his day. 

I wasn't really listening to the words Jimin said, but concentrated on the sound and feel of his voice. It was soft and calming and made me relax. It wasn't long until I fell asleep with Jimin's soft voice still ringing in my head stronger than the pain.

And that's how I managed to fall asleep that night. I also managed to sleep the whole night with out problems, and had a hazy dream about Jimin's voice.

It was nice.



Hello, fellow stranger

Today wasn't a good day, but I'll try to write another chapter today.

I truly feel so bad right now :(

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