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"I don't understand, what boy?"

"Honey the one I told you about, for all I know she could have gotten pregnant and now he left her...."

"Will she really go to my mom's house?"

"Well, where else?"

"And won't she question about the situation?"

"She might...but I don't care, she isn't our responsibility anymore."

Na Eun gazed up at me with a pleading look, whatever shit was being thrown my way by my supposed parents was taking her out more than having any real affect on me.

"Are you not going to defend yourself Y/N?" Na Eun asked grabbing a loose shirt of mine folding it neatly before placing it in the open suitcase. She took out a few of my dressed from the cupboard folding them as well.

"Wow you're good with this stuff," I smiled slyly ignoring her question and gladly she was easily swindled, "Thanks, Jin hyung taught me a lot."

"He did?"

She nodded giving me a smile, "I've spent more time with him and the others than my own parents. They were really good friends with Jin hyung's parents so usually when they'd leave, oppa and I would go under their custody."

"Is that why you all are so close?" I asked looking away from her, there was heaviness of some sort weighing down on my chest, it was suffocating and painful. It's a saying that orphans are left in the world at the mercy of God and His servants, what about an orphan who is abandoned by his/her parents linking to what has been done to me.

My parents, based on some over imaginative instinct of my mother have come to believe that some guy, or in my case, Jungkook had got me pregnant and left me. They consider me as a blotch on their perfect reputation, a stain needing to be cleaned, and most gladly I wished to be cleaned.

I want to be cleared from their heads, I want them to be cleared from my head. I don't want them as my parents, all my life I have strived alone, lonely and vacant. Parents by name is worst than having no parents at all.

"Yes, it all starts from the parents being best friends; Jin hyung's father is business father with Namjoon hyung's father and Yoongi hyung's father is the company investor. When they'd get too busy, the kids would be given off to Hoseok hyung's mother and we'd all play together. His father is my father's lawyer and Jimin hyung's father is my father's accountant. It's all linked up, pretty safe to say we all grew up together.."

I could feel the smile in her tone, I could feel the radiation of immense love, friendship and fondness coming from the 8 of them together. Perhaps that's why things ended badly between Jungkook and I, I tried to swoop in as the third wheeler.

"Who's coming to pick us up?"

"Yoongi hyung and maybe Jin hyung or Namjoon hyung."

"We could just get a cab to the airport Na Eun."

She sighed looking at me with a blunt expression, "Your fight is with Jungkook not them."

"But it hurts to see them any....."

I snapped myself shut closing my eyes tightly. The feeling of Na Eun's intense gaze was burning my back, "You said you didn't think about him anymore...did you lie?"

I stayed silent grabbing the books of the shelves situating them in a carton. Na Eun put down the cosmetics pouch walking over to me, "Park Y/N?"

Her dark brown eyes, usually the brim of adorable childlike curiosity were now solid and intense like a teacher catching a student in action.

"It's fine to miss him, you're only human Y/N." she smiled in an assuring manner wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I sighed, it hurts to hide so much from her when all she wants to do is help me.

"You can read that..." I whispered pointing towards a little book laying on my bed. Na Eun tilted her head to look at the book and then at me with furrowed eyebrows, "Is that a diary?"

I nodded, "I'm sorry for being such an introvert even when you mean well, how about you take a look and I'd finish things up."

"Are you sure, I'd help you with these," she offered reaching to grab a few books off of the rack before I held her lean wrist firmly in my hand.

"No, you go.."

She nodded, slightly shaken by my defense technique. Na Eun wriggled her wrist out of my grip and smirked, "You sure?"
I gave her a sneer, "Don't worry about it." She shrugged with a teasing grin plastered on her doll like face before plopping down on my bed.

I turned away, feeling a huge curtain being snatched off of my personality just when the first page of the book turned, Na Eun was going to unveil the reality between my tough skin.


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