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"WAKY WAKY WAKYY!!!!!" Na Eun yelled hitting me with cushions. I groaned sitting up blocking her attacks by my arms, "I'M UP I'M UP!!"

She smiled cheekily when I shot her a glare. I rubbed my eyes letting a tired moan escape my lips.

"Come on, the gathering starts in an hour.." she said tossing me a carton of milk, "From Jungkook with love?" she smirked.

I sighed looking at the strawberry milk, "Why're you teasing me about him?"
"Forget that, why are you not blushing and squealing?" She asked folding her arms sassily.
"Why would I?"
"Because he's Jeon Jungkook!" Her dark eyes widened in shock, "Only the most handsome and sweetest guy in our school who DOES NOT show interest in girls until you came along!"

I shook my head letting a dry chuckle escape my dry throat, "You're being delusional..."

"Me or you sweetie?" she smirked.

"Whatever.." I mumbled poking in the straw in the carton sipping down on the sweet and savory dense liquid, damn the milk was good. And nope I never liked Milk, why am I even drinking this? UGH never mind.

"You should dress up in something warm..." Na Eun said suddenly getting serious. "It's pretty cold outside."

I nodded lazily pulling myself out of the sheets, I walked up to my bag and unzipped it looking at my options.

"Wow Y/N, you have a disturbed sense of fashion," Na Eun commented walking up beside me. I laughed and she followed, "So do I!" We high-fived each other tittering about how funny we'd look wearing fluffy jackets that'll make us look like puffed snow balls.

After a long scroll, I finally decided to wear dark blue skinny jeans matched with an oversized red sweatshirt that had a yellow straight face emoji painted on. ( 😑😑😑 ) I paired it with black sneakers and planned to keep my hair in a high ponytail covering my head with a white or vanilla colored knitted beanie.

"Oooh Y/N you look cute!" Na Eun complimented winking at me. I chuckled shaking my head, "So do you."
She was wearing a hot pink dress with a black warmer shirt and tights with flip-locks.

We walked down towards the open are where the gathering was supposed to take place. Party music boomed out from the speakers. A bon fire was lit in the middle of the clearing with students circling around. Many were dancing, some were having party punch. I walked close to Na Eun who confidently waved and greeted others while I shyly trotted behind.

"I don't see the guys," she mumbled referring to BTS. Indeed, there were a lot of people, it would be hard to find them.

"Hey, I'd go get the drinks, why don't you wait here.." Na Eun said looking at me. I nodded, "You'd remember the area?" She nodded winking, "I'm very sharp babes!" I chuckled waving her off.

I sat down on a log nearby since all the chairs were mostly occupied. My phone had died so I left it back in the room plugged in otherwise I would've texted Jungkook asking where he was. I was beginning to feel insecure, all the girls who were dressed fancily sent judging and laughing looks my way.

"Is that Y/N?"
"Oh shit yessssss.."
"Dude do you know she stood up to Bogeom oppa?"
"No shit!!"
"I know right.."

I closed my eyes pretending to not hear, pretending that they weren't there.

"YA! Red Sweater!" one of them yelled addressing me in the most disrespectful manner. I was sitting away from the partying crowd so no one would see me, no one would hear them.

I planned to ignore that drunk bastard minding my own business until he came up and grabbed my arm harshly twisting it, "I AM TALKING TO YOU BITCH!" He spat in my face, his breath stunk of alcohol and vodka making me gag.
"Let me go!" I tried to make him leave my arm but he was strong, really strong.

"Ommo, oppa is mad." One of the girls behind him mumbled stepping back. The other gripped her arm in defense, "What will he do? Ottuke???"

"You wanna have some fun baby doll," he whispered smugly invading my personally space by leaving a lick on my earlobe. I felt so disgusted, so weak and vulnerable.
"Let me go," I cried feeling tears run down my face, he was groping me in placed I couldn't even tell. Even when I was covered head to toe I felt naked and dirty.

"LET HER GO!" I heard someone yell before a punch was swung at the guy. The impact was too harsh and I fell down, the affect and shock made me go in daze. My vision was blurred by my tears, my legs and entire body was trembling.

"HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER! HOW DID YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER!" it was Jungkook, I rubbed my eyes watching in fear how he was beating up the guy who just seduced me.

His soft eyes had turned a pitch black color, his fists were clamped shut as they made contact with that guy's face meeting a new angle. His face looked paler, his eyes grimed of a sheepish red color. I saw the veins of his neck pop out.

"YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED, YOU WOULD JUST SEE HER GET ABUSED?" Yoongi yelled at the two girls who stood with their heads bowed. We had the attention of the whole crowd.

"Okay Jungkook that's enough, we'd take it from here.." Jin said sternly pulling the maknae back. Namjoon oppa wrapped his arm around Jungkook's torso pulling him away from the guy whose face had begun to bleed now.

"OMO! Y/N?!" Na Eun shrieked running to my side.
"DID I LEAVE YOU WITH HER JUST FOR THAT?" Taehyung glared at his sister. Na Eun was moving near to tears as she held my shock paralyzed figure in her weak arms mumbling 'I'm sorry' Over and over again.

"Asshole!" Jungkook spat shoving away Namjoon giving that bitch one kick in the gut.

Soon enough Jimin and Bogeom came running.
"YA, CHAO JISUNG!" Bogeom cried looking down at his bloody friend, "JEON DID YOU BEAT HIM UP?!" He yelled looking at Jungkook.


I was taken back by how angry he was, and so were the others. Jimin blinked in shock, "Jungkook...what happened?"

Jungkook didn't answer him, he didn't respond to anyone. He turned to look at me, his eyes softened and his face fell into a frown.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come soon," he whispered leaning down in front of me. He was so close that I felt his breath tickle my nose. Na Eun let my body surrender into Jungkook's arms. He cradled me like a doll.

"Let's take this bitch to the professor!" Yoongi spat as Jin and Namjoon anchored Jisung on their shoulders. Jimin shook his head as Taehyung pulled him away from the scene with Na Eun following them out.

Jungkook and I were left alone.

"Y/N-ah, can you see me?" He asked worriedly staring down at me with his dark doe eyes that had gained back their innocent sparkle as if he never beat the shit out of anyone a few seconds ago.

Jungkook managed to sit down on the log where I previously sat balancing me on his leg. My head was laying on his shoulder, my legs dangling between his. He didn't say anything neither did I, and I remember spending the night in his strong embrace; his arm wrapped tightly around my waist and one caressing my cheek once in a while.

"I'm sorry, I won't ever leave you alone again...."


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