face to face

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Chains held his ebony cut wrists high above his head and a gag was stuffed into his mouth to keep him from screaming, or at least to stop his yells from being all too loud to alarm others.

Shadow slowly woke up from his unconscious state taking in his surroundings, he was in a room too dark for him to see. It took him a while to realize he was immobilized against a wall and when he did he let the tears fall.

His only family, Maria, was gone. Images of her dead body wrapped around his arms flashed in his head like lightning, he could still remember her cries, he could still remember her desperate dying voice trying to warn him. If he would of listened he would of been saved, he wouldn't of fallen into his fucked up stalkers trap. But he did and he was well aware what would happen to him.

As Shadow cried to himself, Sonic walked it was too dark for the other to see but a smile creeped its way onto the azure's face. Sonic was excited. For years he had been stalking the ebony boy, watching his every move, and to have him vulnerable under his command made him so happy he could just jump up and down in glee!

Shadow shivered at the feeling of a presence in front of him. He turned his head but soon his jaw was grabbed and he was forced to look up. He couldn't see the boy's face but he could see that disgusting peach muzzle that displayed that meanical grin.

"Good morning Shadie! Took you a while to wake up but I sure am glad to have you here!" Sonic said happily yanking the gag from his mouth. He was so desperate to hear his voice. "So how are ya?"

"Horrible! You killed Maria and made my life a living hell!" Shadow screamed, his fear replaced with anger. "I almost fucking killed myself!"

A harsh slap on his right cheek caused his head to turn with a brute force. He growled feeling blood run down his chin.

"You disobedient whore! That's no way to talk to your boyfriend!" The stalker hissed angerly. When would he learn? "And for the record. I didn't just kill Maria, i also killed those stupid friends of yours: Amy and Silver."

".. You what?!"

"Uh-huh. Not a suprise now is it?" Sonic giggled taking out a knife from his pocket. The very same knife he used to kill both teens, it still had dry blood staining the blade. He held in front of Shadow for him to see. "Do you like it? I used this very knife to kill your friends."

Shadow stared at the knife in horror, he felt null and couldn't get himself to cry. Were his tears wasted?

"W-who are you?" Shadow choked out. His voice was so familiar but he failed to recognize it.

"Glad you ask sweetheart." The sadist laughed and walked away for a second to turn on the light switch located next to the doorway. Shadow was shocked.


"That's right Shadow it's me, Little Mr Innocent. Can't believe you never fucking noticed it was me but.. I guess that's a good thing."

"N-no it can't be!" Shadow cried, squirming against his restraints although knowing that this is where his fate lied. In the hands of a faker. "I thought you were my friend! I thought i could fucking trust you!"

"Aww, isn't that adorable." Sonic jokingly cooed sitting in front of him once again. "Haven't you ever heard, the quietest people hide the most secrets? You made a grave mistake in believing my antics and for that you're such a worthless idiot, Shadow..."

Sonic continued laughing to himself stroking Shadow's chin and getting a kick out of the way he gazed at him with his lovely red eyes, they showed fear and hatred but mostly horror.

"But you're my worthless idiot, Shadow. I love you, I love you so much and now that i have you I'm the happiest man alive! I worked so hard to get here, stalked you for so long but now you're mine and only mine, it's official!" Sonic stopped talking to bring the older boy into a hug. He smiled feeling Shadow's tears stain his leather jacket. "My basement will be your new home now, i won't let you out until you learn to love me and forcing you to fall in love with me isn't the only thing i'll force you to do."

"Y-you're twisted. I hate you." Shadow whispered, his voice going hoarse and weak due to crying and yelling too much. "You don't love me! You only see me as some sort of sex toy, fucking creep!"

Sonic pulled away to slap him again only to bring him into a short forced out kiss.

"I don't think you've learned your place yet, but let me show you where you stand.." Sonic said after pulling away. He got up walking to a box that was in the middle of the room pulling out to items: a syringe and a small blue bottle. Shadow watched as his stalker filled the medical tool with the drug not knowing what it was or what it did reason being that the bottle wasn't labelled.

"Do you know what this is Shadow?" Sonic asked putting the drug away and holding the syringe close to him.

"No." Was Shadow's answer.

Sonic chuckled darkly and forced the needle into Shadow's neck making him yelp in pain when Sonic pushed down putting the unknown drug into his system.

"It's Viagra."

twisted obsession// shadonicWhere stories live. Discover now