what's her problem?

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The last bell rang marking the school day as over. Shadow packed up his things and headed outside to the busses but was met with a familiar face after mistakingly bumping into her.

"Fuck, i'm sorry i wasn't--" Shadow's nervous laughter was turned into anger as soon as the girl turned around looking at him with her emerald green eyes.

Shadow sighed and walked off not surprised Amy ran after him. "Shadow stop ignoring me and listen to me for once!"

"So what, So you can lie to me?" Shadow said.

"No. I just want to keep you safe, Sonic is capable of so much more, giving him what he wants will only burst his ego." Amy grabbed his hand to get his attention and Shadow slapped it away glaring at her.

"The fuck is he gonna do to me?" Shadow snarled. "He's innocent."

"That's what he wants you to believe. This is all an act, he doesn't even have a speech impediment!"

"People can't just fake a speech impediment, Amy."

"I've seen his true colors! He's told me so much creepy shit." Amy whispered.

Shadow squinted his eyes looking at the girl in annoyance remembering something Silver told him a long while back. "You're doing this out of jealousy aren't you?"

Amy's face flushed, her cheeks went red with blush and even the tips of her ears turned a shade of red. "I'm not jealous why would I be?!" she stammered.

"Silver said that you told him that you liked me," Shadow responded crossing his arms. "You're such a slut anyways so I wouldn't be surprised."

"Just because I cheated on a couple of my boyfriends, it doesn't make me a slut!" Amy yelled offensively, "that was a long time ago anyways."


"Silver's a big lier, I-I don't like you. he told me that the president of the United States is some guy named Felix Kjellberg. that messed me up on some test."

"Whatever Amy." Shadow sighed. "I'm not gonna end my friendship with Sonic, he's a good guy. I trust him more than you anyways and that says a lot.

"Besides you putting trust in people so quickly, what else could it mean?" 

Suddenly, a familiar blue blur walks up to the pair hugging some books up to his chest. Amy sighed rolling her eyes at the sight of him. "Speaking of the devil." She muttered.

"H-hi guys." Sonic stuttered in his usual quiet tone. "D-did I i-interrupt your c-conversation?" 

"Oh no of course not Sonic," Amy said with annoyance in her tone. "I was just leaving."

"D-don't w-we ride the same bus?" Sonic asked.

"I'm staying after school today, I have a test to make up," Amy said. "That's code word for 'i don't wanna be around you.'" then she walked off, not even saying goodbye.

"Oh my god," Shadow said watching her walk off. "What the fuck is her problem?" 

"I-i'll t-tell you once we're in the b-bus." Sonic said beginning to walk to their ride. "T-they're leaving s-soon."

"Shit, you're right."

Sonic and Shadow had to sit all the way in the back since most the seats were taken due to them being a little late.

Silver stayed at school for basketball practice so it was okay for Sonic to sit with him. Shadow didn't notice how the blue boy sat really close to him until he felt his shoulder brush up against his.

"Um, could you not sit so close." Shadow said trying to scoot over to his spot by the window.

"O-oh s-sorry." Sonic nervously giggled and scooted away.

The bus began to drive away. Listening to the buzz of other students speaking, Shadow saw Sonic looking down nervously playing with the hoodie strings of his sweater as a small smile was formed on his lips.

"So uh, what's up with you and Amy?" Shadow finally asked.

"Oh, w-we go a while b-back." Sonic said not taking his gaze off his lap. "We were b-best friends in m-middle school. But n-now she h-hates m-me b-because i d-didn't wanna d-date her."

"Is that really why she hates you?"

"I-i guess so..."

"That's stupid and so typical of Amy."

"Y-yeah typical Ames."

"Yknow, i knew she was lying." Shadow said leaning back against his seat. "She said i should stay away from you because you're obsessive over me or some shit like that."

"I-i'm not o-obsessed." Sonic said, almost in a nervous whisper. But of course, Shadow didn't notice.

"I know, it's not like you. Amy's just being silly." Shadow laughed.

"Y-yeah, silly." Sonic said with noticeable anger in his voice.

"Are you okay?" Shadow said taking note.

"U-uh yeah." Sonic said showing off his best smile to prove it. Then the bus stopped in a familiar row of houses making the blue boy get up on his feet. "W-well bye Shadow, i'll see you l-later." He said before walking off to his house.

Little did Shadow know, he meant it literally.


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