keep your promise sealed in pain

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"You won't tell..."

"I'll hurt them as much as I'll hurt you..."

"What would the world think if Shadow The Hedgehog enjoyed his own rape... hm?"

"Do not tell a single soul..."

Those words haunted him as they were embedded into his mind never leaving and his voice echoed in his head in a whisperer reminding him repeatedly: do not tell. No one could know.

Living with a weight on his shoulder like that pained the ebony hedgehog, it had been weeks almost months since the events of that horrific night went down and those memories, they never left him.

His stalker as well never left him and almost never gave him a break, his messages got more aggressive and now he was more open to coming into his house and because of this Shadow could no longer stand being home alone. After school, he'd go home only if Maria was there and if she wasn't he'd go to Silver's house and wouldn't leave until Maria called and said she had arrived, sometimes he'd even sleep at Silver's house due to Maria coming in late. 

Gottadashfast27. He could be anybody. Shadow was still determined to figure out who he was but did he really want to know? He wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine but knowing himself, he knew he wouldn't be capable of doing such actions now knowing what the creep was capable of, so Shadow gave up too distraught to keep going.

He tried hiding it, bottling his emotions and deep down he really did want to say everything. About his stalker, the never-ending pain he would inflict on him, and that night. That horrible fucking night. The fucker told him many times that soon he would understand that it was all an act of love but that wasn't love. That was illegal.

Shadow really changed but the ebony hedgehog was too oblivious to even notice it. He became distant always seemed to be lost in his thoughts and avoided talking when he could, loud noises startled him and made him jump, and when people got too close to him he'd freak out. No one could be trusted. 

When you try to hide something for so long, people start to take note and that's basically what happened. Sometimes Shadow would stay up too scared to sleep or he was forced to stay up just to text the creep and the bags under his eyes really showed it. His grades started to plummet as his attention span went from 10 to 0 and that was not a good sign. His teachers noticed, Silver and Maria noticed, as well as Amy. she was really the one who took note first noticing his change in personality. They all asked if he was okay but he would say the same thing: "Yeah yeah, i'm fine." Sometimes in an annoyed tone before walking off to cry in the bathroom alone because he was lying, he was certainly not fine and if this keeps on he will never be fine.

But someone else was fine, great in fact. That someone being Sonic. It was all going according to plan and if he kept at it Shadow would be embraced in his arms very soon. That fact alone made him smile darkly as he sat his culinary class watching Shadow dazed in the seat across from him. He looked almost dead on the inside with his eyes half-lidded as he barely managed to stay awake. He looked close to fully broken but Sonic wanted to make his fun last a little longer, see him in tears maybe. That would be a treat worth seeing for the fucked up hedgehog.


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