bothersome but very troublesome

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"We're tired of your bullshit Shadow!" Silver yelled. it was the end of the day and the ivory hedgehog followed by Sonic and Amy were running after their distressed friend who ran trying to get home and away from them.

"Leave me alone!" Shadow yelled back. "I'm fine, always was always will be."

"That's not true we all know somethings bothering you!" Amy angerly yelled finally catching up to him and grabbing his shoulder. The sudden physical contact made Shadow mentally panic, he pulled his arm away from the pink girl's hold and yelled: "Don't touch me!"

"See, you're not okay." Silver said noticing his friend's frantic state. "You always freak out when people get close to you or try to touch you, and just look at you; you're a mess."

"What's gotten into you Shadow, Is something bothering you?" Amy asked worriedly. 

Shadow sighed, there was something bothering him keeping him back and adding weight to his shoulders. But he couldn't say what it was, it felt like his deranged stalker was holding a gun to his head keeping him from speaking of his mere existence. One word, one simple slip up and he'd see them gone and he certainly did not want that.

"...Well?" Amy said after Shadow's 30 seconds of quietness.

"I'm just stressed that's all," Shadow lied. "The semester's almost over and these finals really have me screwed."

"There you go again with your lies!" Silver angerly said. He knew Shadow all to well. He finally had the chance to confront him about this and Shadow lying was really ticking him off.

"I'm not lying!" The ebony student shot back. "That's the truth, you wanted it you got it."

"That doesn't explain why you always look so paranoid or why the slightest physical contact freaks you out." Amy said.

"That's... It's my claustrophobia."

"You're not claustrophobic." Silver said.

"You never asked if I was," Shadow said back. "Listen, I gotta go."

"You're not leaving until you tell us what's wrong!" The ivory hedgehog said in a demanding tone.

"I'm fucking fine, nothing's wrong can't you just leave me alone!" After having said that Shadow shoved Amy out of his way and got away from the 3 by running as fast as he could to his house.

Amy and Silver called his name and tried going after him but were stopped by the pink jacket wearing azure male.

"Just l-leave him," Sonic said, his speech impediment getting suspiciously better. "There's nothing w-we can do."

"What do you mean there's nothing we can do, faggy!" Amy screeched, why the heck did Silver let Sonic follow them? Amy had a suspicion about him, he didn't give two shits about Shadow's strange behavior yet he was his supposed best friend. "What the hell is your problem Sonic isn't Shadow your bff? shouldn't you be helping him?!"

"But h-he just told you his deal. let him be, ames" 

"No!" Amy was now close to Sonic to show she wasn't giving up, Sonic was taller than her but the difference in height wasn't intimidating to the determined pink girl."Do you have anything to do with this Sonic? Have you been tormenting him?!" The conclusion Amy made was just a theory a conspiracy even, a conspiracy Amy believed knowing Sonic's sick love very well. But the theory was right and that shocked the blue boy.

"Now now Amy no need to be jumping into conclusions." Silver commented separating the two.

"Well I'm sorry Silv but doesn't it make sense?" Amy said. "Sonic's been more happy than usual, it seems like he doesn't care about Shadow all of the sudden, and haven't you noticed the creepy grins he's been giving him?"

"...Uh." Silver had noticed Sonic's change in personality but never considered him to be part of the problem, he was too nice but who was he going to believe? His best friend he's known for years or some kid he rarely talked to because he hung around them sometimes. He was practically a stranger and in Silver's eyes he looked like a good kid, but there was a saying, as cliche as it sounded: don't judge a book by its cover. But if Sonic was a book, he'd be a good happy book that actually had a darker meaning behind it.

"What did you do to Shadow?" Silver asked the quiet hedgehog.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sonic muttered looking at the ground.

The gray hedgie furrowed his brows and gripped the smaller hedgehog's shoulders with strong force making him look at him, he shook him and yelled: "What did you do to him!?" His voice was loud and determined, he needed answers and Sonic had all of them, he wasn't answering any of them for he refused. Sonic planned to stay in his innocent bean character but his instincts kicked in as Silver shook him back and forth demanding him to talk so he punched him in the face so hard it drew blood from his nose and pull away to wipe it off.

Silver used the back of his hand to wipe the blood that tricked to his lips as Amy watched it all too shocked to do anything. "You mother fucker." The athletic hedgehog muttered staring at the red liquid in the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry Silver." Sonic chuckled. "I guess I got carried away." Silver tried to swing at him but Sonic was quick to run off away from the two.

"Don't let him get away!" Amy yelled running after him and Silver following suit.

As Sonic ran, too fast for his 'friends' to catch up, he pulled out his phone from his sweater pocket and speed-dialed Mephilies who picked up in less than a second.

"Change of plans," Sonic said running into an ally way listening to Amy and Silver's footsteps far from being behind him. "Looks like we're gonna need to commence plan B early."

"Plan B?" The crystal hedgehog asked on the other line. "I haven't fully prepared the essentials."

"Who needs essentials!" Sonic angerly whisper-yelled into his phone. "We're fine with a couple of knives and maybe even your old hatchet."

"So you want to do it the easy way huh, Quick and bloody?"

"I was thinking slow and painful, especially the pink one. But you can do whatever you please with the pothead."

"Oh I know exactly what I'll be doing with that twink, I'll be waiting for you in the woods."

"Very well." Sonic whispered and hung up putting his phone back in his pocket. His plans weren't going as expected but he was the fastest thing alive after all, it never hurt to make things go by quicker. But first, he needed to get rid of a problem. Two problems as a matter of fact. 


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