open up and get away

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The noise of a gun shooting downstairs rang in his ears making Shadow quickly jolt awake. He sat up at the noise immediately growing into suspicions.

".. Maria?" Shadow jumped out of his bed and ran downstairs, his suspicions were sadly correct. "Maria!"

There laying on the living room floor was Maria's immobilized body, there was a gunshot wound in her head spilling blood trialling down her nose. "No.. No! Maria!" Shadow cried walking up to her before he kneeled in front of her dying sister letting tears run down his face. His sister. Dead. How could he have let this happen? He had been living with her for so long to the point of seeing her like a mother and now she was gone.

Why did this nightmare have to happen to him? Why did he have to drag his sister into this? He should of stayed quiet, should of listened to his stalker should of...

".. Shadow." Maria said in a ragid voice. She was close to dying.

Shadow started to sob at the sound of his voice, the way Maria spoke broke his heart. sitting next to her. He brought her into a hug.

".. I should of l-listened to you.." Maria breathed. "W-we coulda run away t-together.. Live w-with grandfather.."

"Maria this isn't your fault it's mine!" Shadow yelled in a hoarse voice, his throat was sore. "I should of told you earlier, could of put the fucker behind bars before he really hurt me! But.. I let fear stop me, i played along with his games." Shadow stopped to wipe tears away from his eyes. "I.. I don't even know who he is!"

"..Shadow.." Maria started to feel weaker, her body was shutting down and she could no longer move her body but she saw a blue figure behind her brother raising a bat above his head. "Shadow... Run.."

"Huh?" Before Shadow could even turn around he was hit in the head by a baseball bat so hard it knocked him out. Darkness took over and the black hedgehog was out like a light, falling unconscious in the hands of his stalker.

When Shadow fell face first onto the ground, on top of his now dead sister, Sonic smiled with insanity. He took the knocked out hedgehogs in his arms bridal style and walked out into the darkness.


"After complaints of hearing loud yells and gunshots coming from this very house in northern nictotine street, officials finally decide it was best to come by to investigate. Upon walking inside they find 34 year old Maria Robotnick unconscious with a gunshot to the head.

The young accountant didn't die until reaching the hospital but during the ride the medics reported her whispering the name of her now reported missing brother Shadow the Hedgehog.

Investigators say this case ties in with the mysterious death of 17 year old best friends Amy Rose and Silver who were brutally murdered at the scene. A broken phone was found with a shocking pornagraphic recording of Shadow and the supposed killer doing what only be explained as horrific nonconsensual acts.

Now, who is to blame here? Without a doubt young 16 year old Sonic and his partner in crime Mephiles who has an unidentified age due to his information being close to nonexistent. Expert hackers who were contacted to help out in this case discover a shocking call where these two meanical buddies plan out all this. But those close to Sonic deny this to be false.

"He was a good kid and student." His teacher Ms Vanilla said. "There's no way that was him, he must of been framed." But others say otherwise.

"The evidence is there shouldn't it be obvious!" A student from Mobia High, his school named Fleetaway says. "I'm honestly not surprised, the fag was always kinda weird and gave me a creepy vibe."

Investigators also say this case ties in with the mysterious hikacking of the police station hours before Maria was found dead but minutes after the killing of the two young teens.

18 year old Shadow is now missing, in honor Mobia High cancelled classes for a week and held a ceremony in the auditorium in his honor. Students and Teachers are confident Shadow will be back home and who ever is behind all this to be put in jail where they belong.

But the question begs to differ: why? What were these person's malicious intent? Was it to hurt others? Bring the victim into pain.

Well.. Horrifying text messages between Sonic and Shadow also found on the device left behind reveal the answer. All due in the name of love. But this wasn't love. This was a twisted obbsesion."

twisted obsession// shadonicWhere stories live. Discover now