old habits

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//you don't have to listen to the song but as i wrote this i had that song stuck in my head and i find that a little funny cuz its a dark song if u know the context...

Once Maria reached upstairs the first thing she heard was mumbling and small whimpers coming from behind her brother's room and it wasn't a surprise to say that she was very worried. She put her hand on the nob, tried turning it but discovered it was locked.

With 3 knocks, the blond haired girl called for her brother but he would not reply, now she was extremely worried. "Shadow, open the door!" Maria demanded. "What's wrong, Is everything okay?"

"..I, I can't o-open the door.." Shadow whimpered. He exhaled sharply through his nose after each word almost like he was in pain. "I-I'm fine.. leave me alone Maria!"

"You can't stay locked away from the world forever," Maria said. "And something is wrong, but I can't help you if you don't tell me what's up.." 

Shadow didn't reply. Maria sighed and walked downstairs to the kitchen where she opened a drawer full of spare keys, she dug around until finding a familiar black key that belonged to Shadow's room. Taking it in her hand, she walked upstairs and put the key into the keyhole, turned it and slowly opened the door.

Maria's sweet smile faded away at the sight of Shadow. Her eyes widened and she backed away letting out a scream.

"I told you not to come in!" Shadow screamed. He was on his knees at the foot of his bed, his sleeves rolled down and he had a knife in his hand cutting away at his wrists and arms. He had the thing pointed to his stomach ready to stab away, he had nothing to live for, his will to live died on that horrible night his stalker broke in and took his innocence. And he kept doing it, again and again. He wanted it to stop, this was the only way.

When the girl calmed down she ran into the room bringing the hedgehog into a warm embrace, she takes the bloodied knife from his hand and threw it on the ground. "What the heck did you do to yourself, Shadow?" Maria asked in the calmest tone she could do, despite the fact that seeing her brother cut himself brought her to a state of panic. There were so many fresh cuts littered across the hedgehog's arms, the red liquid dripping down and staining Maria's dress.

"I-I'm sorry Maria." Shadow sobbed, he hugged his human sister back and buried his face in her chest letting tears stain the blue fabric. "I-I had to, my life's a living hell I have nothing to keep going for! Cutting gives me some sort of high, like he said I deserve it a-and.."

"Shadow, what are you going on about!" Maria yelled confused. 

Shadow sniffed and looked up at her with eyes filled with pain and despair, he was hurt and broken, scared to admit how he felt or what had been going on for the past months. But he couldn't hold it in any longer, he needed to spill everything. 

"Maria... You don't understand.." Shadow cried looking into her eyes. "I was raped."


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