A Simple Life

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Izumi liked to learn. The world was full of new and exciting discoveries for the brightest minds to discover and explore. From nature, to history, technology and art, the country of Yueii was a wide and interesting place to learn.

"Izumi!" Inko, her mother, called out from the front door of their home. The small cottage was part of a cluster of farm houses located on the outskirts of the castle town. On their land they along with several other farmers tilled the land, fished, hunted, and gathered supplies to feed themselves as well as the nearby kingdom. Izumi wasn't much of a farmer... she was better at preparing and using the bounty of crop to make various things such as medicines, and other various remedies. She was a good apothecary because she studied the various plants and minerals and what she didn't know she found out. Everything she knew she wrote down, and had dozens of books littering her workspace.

"Yes mom?" Izumi stopped admiring the pretty blossom in front of her and close her latest notebook.

"You should head to town before it gets too late Izumi. Don't you have people waiting for you?" Inko held up a brown sack and shall for her. "Come on, hurry now. I've packed you some fresh bread and apples in case you get hungry."

"Thanks mom..." she took the satchel and strapped it over her and then slid the shall around her shoulders. "I'll try to be home by dark."

"Are you going to be okay alone? I could ask Shinso to go with you if you'd like."

"I'm okay, Mom." Izumi waved a hand smiling "Shinso's probably busy with the harvest, I don't want to bother him." She picked up her skirts and hurried down the road. "I'll be back soon!"

"Be careful, Izumi!" Inko called after her daughter and held her chest. She didn't like her daughter going out on her own... but the girl was headstrong, and was far braver than her mother. "Just like your dad... rushing off with a smile even though there's danger around every corner." She pulled her hands into a prayer position. "Watch over her, Hisashi."

Hisashi Midoriya had been a man of learning. He had travelled the world, often returning with gifts and stories to enchant his family... but had died shortly after Izumi had turned three... killed by a pack of wolves, or so those that found his body assumed. The only thing they had left of him was the stories of his adventures... and a small sword he had kept on him for protection. Not that it had done him any good. Still... Izumi carried the best parts of her late husband, and hoped the girl had more sense to stay away from the dangers of the world.

Izumi was ten minutes from the gates of the castle town when a stray butterly caught her eye and perched on a bud of a tree. She opened her notebook and began to sketch the unique patterns and shape of its wings.

"Look how beautiful you are..." She scribble a note identifying the color and got closer hoping to see its legs and body. "Hmmm six legs, traditional for an insect... ah!" She gasped as the butterfly flew down and propped on the edge of her book. She smiled and gently pressed her finger on its legs. It hesitated, but then floated onto it, gently batting its wings. "Curious thing aren't you? Just like me. Most butterflies are skittish, but you're not."

The sudden rustle of leaves had Izumi tensing up. The butterfly finally flew from her hand as a voice called out a war cry and its shadowed body leapt from the bushes. Izumi squealed and fell, her notebook flying from her hands. Now on her hands and knees Izumi groaned, the shouts turning to big rude laughter. She pouted immediately recognizing the figure now.

"Very funny, Kacchan... look at the mess you made." She scowled at the young man in front of her. Katsuki Bakugo, he was the son of a chief, and she'd known him since they were children. She'd gotten caught in one of his traps, but instead of eating her as she had expected him to, he let her go, in return she had to play games with him, and entertain him when he was bored. She would think after more than a decade he'd have finally outgrown his childish behavior... pfft fat chance.

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