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"Ugh, I'm starving." You mumble tiredly while poking your boyfriend in the ribs to wake him up. Peeking your head out of the warm covers you look at the piercingly bright yellow numbers on the alarm clock. 2:12 am.

In truth, you really didn't want to get out of bed, but your growling stomach readily disagreed. This would have been no problem if you were home where there was a fridge stocked full of midnight snacks. But you were at an away game with your boyfriend, Christian, and had already eaten your fair share of m&ms and Pringles, the typical junk food you brought on trips.

"Huh?" Your boyfriend replied in a deep husky voice, obviously still half-asleep.

"I'm hungry." You reply, pulling yourself closer to your boyfriend and playfully poking his cheek.

He flinches at the feeling of your finger stabbing his face and opens his eyes. "Let me guess, you ate all the Pringles?" He assumes while pulling you into a hug to cuddle.

"I guess the time zone difference is really kicking my butt." Your reply was muffled from the soft blankets and pillows surrounding you.

"It always does." Christian chuckles and extends his arm to turn on the lamp on the bedside table.

It blinds you so you bury yourself deeper into the covers.

"What restaurant is open at two in the morning, anyway?" He wonders while slipping on a grey pair of sweatpants and a Brewers hoodie.

"Hmm," you begin to ponder, still wrapped in the warmth of the sheets. "doesn't your friend own that Chinese restaurant around here?"

"Yes, actually. I think it's just a few blocks away." He smiles at your ability to remember anything relating to food. Just the thought of the delicious noodles is enough to make his own stomach rumble.


After the two of you get dressed in sweatpants and hoodies, he grabs the room key and his wallet and you escape the hotel and are consumed by the darkness of night.

If the coach or team managers would have known about Christian leaving the hotel without telling them, they would be furious. This is why you both agreed on not telling anyone.

You two walked along the sidewalk for a few blocks in the cold until rounding the corner to be met by a restaurant with a closed sign flashing in the window. However, this didn't stop you from pressing your nose against the glass to take a closer look inside.

The lights were still on in the back of the room, making it obvious that someone was still inside. You spotted a dark figure in the back table in the corner. Against your better judgment, you waved at them to come let you in.

Christian stood right next to you and suggested that you just go to a gas station and grab a few snacks, but you had your mind set on Chinese.

You whip your head around and see the man walking towards the door. Once you see his face clearly in the light from the street, both you and Christian recognize the familiar face.

"Mike?" You and your boyfriend call aloud at the same time in curiosity.

"I won't tell coach if you don't." Mike Moustakas says as he rattles the keys while unlocking the door to let you both inside.

"Deal." You nearly scream with wide eyes running towards the buffet that the chef had made for Mike. It looks like Christian wasn't the only one who had connections in the city.

Imagines ~ C. YELICHWhere stories live. Discover now