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"Beauty is pain." You remind yourself while looking into the full-length mirror resting on the ground behind your bedroom door. You look into the reflection to see someone who doesn't resemble yourself in the slightest. Your usual attire consists of sweatpants, a messy bun, and graphic tee-shirts. But tonight you had on a long-sleeve, skin-tight, lacy red dress with black three-inch heels to complete the look.

Spinning to inspect yourself from almost every view in the mirror, you decide that it isn't going to get any better than this. You pull the clip out of your hair and let the chocolate brown mop on your head fall to the length of your shoulders. You had earlier curled your hair and applied as minimal makeup as possible to look somewhat presentable.

You hear a knock on your apartment door and rush to answer it, grabbing a black purse and nearly rolling your ankles several times on the way there. You grab the doorknob and push it open to reveal a very handsome Mike Moustakas waiting for you on the other side. He smiles at you while adjusting the cufflinks on his tuxedo, which he looks great in by the way.

"You ready to go?" He asks, still in awe about how beautiful his sister looks.

"As ready as I'll ever be." You respond sarcastically, knowing that he won't take your comment seriously. "You clean up nice."

He chuckles at your compliment and motions for you to start walking down the hallway of your apartment complex. "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." Mike tells you, secretly wanting you to go back inside and change due to how stunning you look. You would surely attract attention at the party full of baseball players.


The whole reason you were going out with Mike tonight is because it's New Year's Eve and Chase Anderson is having a party for the whole team at his house. Mike had just broken up with his girlfriend of two years, making him in need of a plus one. He invited you to get you out of the house, knowing that you would never leave unless he forced you to.

Pulling up the driveway to the gigantic castle-like house, Mike finds a spot to park the car and quickly gets out and motions for you to stay inside for a moment. He walks around the front of the car, buttoning the front of his black blazer. He reaches for the doorknob on your side of the car and opens the door for you, extending his hand.

You gladly take it and he acts very gentlemanlike, helping you out of the car. You loop your arm in his and he helps you walk inside, knowing that you are terrible at walking in heels.

The two of you walk up to the huge oak double doors and he looks to you, "(Y/N), if you feel uncomfortable at any time tonight, just say the word and I'll take you home." He lectures in a very flat and caring voice, almost sounding like your father. You laugh at the thought. "Thanks, big bro, but I should be fine." You respond, knowing how much you attending this party means to him.

He pushes the heavy door and holds it open for you. Just one look at the party and you are already overwhelmed. There are hundreds of bottles of alcohol sitting on the bar on the far end of the living room, people are swarming everywhere. Even though the house is huge, there was barely any room to swing a cat.

"I'm going to get a drink, you want anything?" He asks you, beginning to walk over to the full-sized bar. 

"I think I'm going to need some wine." You mumble under your breath, still battling the crushing feeling on your chest from the overwhelming social-anxiety you developed over the last few years. 

"What, I couldn't hear you." He replied, cupping his hand around his ear, unable to hear you over the booming music. 

"Wine, please." You repeat and he nods, walking away to get you the drink.

You stand still for a few moments in the doorway of the palace-like home, watching your brother, and security blanket, get lost in the crowd. You snap out of your trance when you see Chase crowd surfing through his own living room while holding a beer. Are these seriously the people my brother likes to hang out with?

Scanning the room for anywhere that wasn't packed with people, you see a glass door from across the room that leads to a patio. Even if there are people out there, at least I can get some fresh air. Pushing past the crowds of people, you try to walk to the glass door as if your life depended on it.

"(Y/N)!" Mike calls to you, holding up your glass of wine. You stop dead in your tracks, letting your brother do all of the work to come to you. He hands the glass full of blood-red wine to you and speaks, "Hey, I'm going to go over and talk with a few of the guys. Do you wanna come?"

Hell no. You immediately think but know if you say it aloud, your brother would be crushed. "No thanks." You reply, giving him a vague answer. "I'll text you if I need anything."

He smiles and turns on his heels to walk towards a group of his teammates. You resume your futile attempt to get some fresh air.

People stepped on your toes on more than one occasion as you nearly shoved them out of the way. But finally, you made it to the door and pushed it open to reveal a completely empty patio lined with a few couches and a glass coffee table.

You stride over to one of the couches like your life depends on it and throw yourself onto it, closing your eyes to enjoy the solace. The cool and crisp night air stings your nose with every breath you take, but you wouldn't go back inside unless you absolutely had to.

Downing about half of your glass of wine in one gulp, you turn at the noise of the door creaking open again. A tall and dark figure steps out into the moonlight. Noticing your presence, he turns and asks you, "Not the party type?"

"Nope." You reply, kicking off your blister-causing shoes.

He laughs at your vague answer and takes the seat next to you. "I'm Christian." He introduces himself while extending his arm, asking for a handshake.

"(Y/N)." You reply, happily accepting it.

"Wait," He asks, pausing a moment to think, "are you Moose's sister?" He accuses you and points his finger at you with a smile on his face.


He widens his smile and chuckles while relaxing into the cushions in the chair. You bring the glass of wine to your lips and he copies you, taking a swig from his own beer bottle. "So you play for the Brewers, right?" You ask him, trying to break the silence.

"Yeah, it's a lot of fun working with your brother." He replies and you nearly spit out your drink at his comment. He chuckles at your response and leans back to admire how beautiful you look.

You stand up and brush the imaginary dirt off your dress, noticing the screaming of the crowd inside. He also stands up at the realization that the countdown to New Years has begun. You walk over to the door, looking through the glass at the gigantic TV everyone inside had their attention drawn to.

"5.... 4.... 3...." You see Christian walk up to you as you listen to everyone screaming the countdown. " 2.... 1...." You suddenly feel a strong pair of hands wrap around your waist and turn you. "Happy New Year!" Everyone inside screams as you are face to face with Yelich. He brings you into a sloppy kiss that takes you by complete shock.

You two catch the attention of a fuming Mike on the other side of the glass door. Christian deepens the kiss and extends his arm to lock the door so your brother won't interrupt him. You both pull away and your smile turns into shock when you hear your brother pounding on the glass, screaming. "What the hell man! That's my sister!"

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