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"All right, I'm going to ask one more time. Who ate the last cupcake?" You hissed at the two men sitting on your bed watching movies. Your boyfriend, Christian and his teammate Eric Thames look at each other in shock and fear while trying to figure out how to calm you down.

Whit had decided to bring you on the team road trip while they played multiple away games. The last game you attended, he had gotten a home run. You were his lucky charm.

However, when you found out that someone had eaten the last cupcake that you had bought, you were furious. You are currently in New York and claim that there is a small bakery outside of the city that has the best cupcakes in the world. You love this shop so much that the owner knows you by name and looks forward to every time that you would visit.

"Good luck, buddy." Eric snickered at your boyfriend while bolting out of your hotel room. You approached Christian slowly with your hands on your hips and a mean glare. He nervously laughs and curls into a ball on the bed, trying to make himself as small as possible.

"Ugh." You scoff and fold your arms while walking over to the opposite side of the room to your suitcase. You rummage around without noticing Whit lifting himself off of the bed. You finally find what you're looking for and lift it out of the bag.

You pull out a huge nerf gun and start loading it with foam bullets. "I'm going to be nice and give you a thirty-second head start. My suggestion is to run." You advise and Yelich takes your words to heart, sprinting out of your shared hotel room.

You take a seat on the white covers on the bed and laugh to yourself. You continue to load the plastic gun just in case your boyfriend comes back into the bedroom. With your stomach rumbling and gun in hand, you pick up your room key, noticing that Yelich forgot his when he was running out of your room. You leave the room to go downstairs to get your dinner that is provided by the hotel.


"Come on, come on, please open the door." Christian mumbles while knocking on his friend's door to escape your wrath. To his pleasure, he is met with a confused looking Eric on the opposite side of the door. Inviting himself in, he explains his predicament to his friend, who is looking scared for his life.


Stepping out of the elevator, you get some strange looks from both the hotel staff and other guests. It's not every day that you see a fully-grown woman casually carrying around a nerf gun.

You enter the dining room and are welcomed in by Christian's teammates. You sit next to Lorenzo Cain at a wooden round table and casually set the plastic gun onto it. "What the hell is that for?" Cain says with a chuckle. 

"Christian ate my cupcake." You say while spooning some chocolate pudding into your mouth. 

"Ahh, I see." He responds, putting two-and-two together.


"Christian, you two better work this out. I'm starving and (Y/N) already knows I'm harboring you as a fugitive." Eric tells his friend while clutching his growling stomach.

"If you want to go out there and face the wrath of my girlfriend, you go right ahead." Your boyfriend replies while scrolling through his phone.

"Screw this, I'm texting Lo Cain to bring us some food." Eric suggested while grabbing his phone and typing.



We're stuck in the hotel room, can you bring us some food?


Why exactly are you stuck in the hotel room?


Christian's psychotic girlfriend threatened him with a nerf gun.


Then he probably deserved it.


Whatever, can you just bring us food?


What's in it for me?


Why are you so selfish?


Just answer the question.


I've got five bucks.


I'll consider it.


I'll do your laundry for a week.


Meet me in the lobby in five minutes and bring the money.


I knew that would work.


You want the food or not?


Uhh, nevermind. I'll see you in five!


Standing alone in the lobby and holding a plate of food, Lorenzo Cain waited for Christian and Eric. Once the coast was clear, the two men sprinted across the lobby wearing their helmets and carrying a wooden bat for safety measures.

Eric grabs the plate of food while Christian throws the wadded-up five-dollar bill into Cain's face. They ran away like madmen to the elevators. Frantically pressing the up button, Christian feared for his safety standing out in the open for so long.

The two men got into the elevator and were almost free from harm when a hand suddenly grabs one of the doors as it's about to close. Cain shoves the two doors open and the dorks standing inside of the lift are met face-to-face with you. You raise the gun and show no mercy, showering them with the foam darts.

Imagines ~ C. YELICHWhere stories live. Discover now