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"I told you, I'm unteachable." You pout and throw your hands up in defense.

"Oh come on, (Y/N). Please just try." Your boyfriend begs from across the field, shifting his weight from leg to leg and putting his hands on his hips.

"....... fine. But we're getting ice cream after." You bargain and he nods his head as a gleeful smile spreads across his face.

He walks over to you and hands you a baseball bat. The warm summer air stings your nose as you move your body, grabbing the bat from his hand. I have no idea what gave him the bright idea to teach me how to play baseball in the first place, he practically had to beg me to come to the field.

"Okay, so you put your hands here and here." He says, positioning your hands on the bat and you oblige.

"Then swing the bat and hit the ball when I toss it to you." He explains, tossing the baseball from hand to hand.

"Easier said than done." You mumble under your breath so Christian doesn't hear you. Lifting your arms with the bat in your hands and bend your knees, Christian walks over to the pitcher's mound and asks if you are ready. Once you nod your head, he lightly tosses the ball towards you.

A loud smacking noise is heard when you hit the ball but it flies towards the dugout, an obvious foul ball. The disappointment is plastered onto your face and Christian gives you a warm and encouraging smile.

He gets ready to throw another ball, wanting you to try again. You once again ready yourself to hit the ball. Sucking in another deep breath of humid air, you do your best to watch the ball as it hits the wooden bat.

This time, the baseball smoothly finds the center of your bat and flies into the outfield, but before you can celebrate your boyfriend runs towards you lifts you into the air, treasuring you more than any trophy.

Imagines ~ C. YELICHOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant