Sonakshi lunged forward and slapped him hard across his face, not once or twice but until she had finally lost the count. Her hands had gone numb from the continuous hits yet he had null reaction as if he was foretold of the violence. She had never been so helpless in her life. Nothing could provoke him. Was he made of rock?

"Slap me all you want Sakshi. Because once you belong to me, I'll make sure you put the same hands of yours into better use. Like holding me close while I fuck the daylights out of you or threading them through my hairs while I corrupt every inch of your skin with my kisses" Aadyanth announced without an ounce of shame or hesitation.

Sonakshi knew he would definitely work on making his words come true. He had proved it in all their encounters. The last thing she wished for was to end up with him given any circumstance. She shut her eyes in disgust & screamed her lungs out, feeling that nasty image filling up inside her mind. She could feel her body shaking in panic. But nothing could stop Aadyanth from scoring against her. He loved giving her reality checks very often because that made her realise, she could never hunt him down no matter how much of a big shot she was.

"Your lips are heaven & I can still feel them the essence of them lingering on mine. Every time I see you, I feel like kissing you to death & making you mine. I will keep you all for myself & then tame you in my ways. Trust me, when I do that, you are going to wither in sheer pleasure Sonakshi" His tone was laced with a hidden warning that made her throat dry. She felt as if even the last bit of energy was sucked out from her body. Here she had tormented him physically yet that did not affect him but it only took a few words for him to frighten her to the core.

Sonakshi could no longer think rationally. If she was angry before, she had turned insane after the sequent insults. She was now sure that she had made the right decision about ordering her guards to punish him. There was nothing to feel remorseful about it. He deserved every bit of the brutality.

Her vision blurred with hot tears & her body squirmed in plain disgust when the visuals he planted inside her kept reappearing before her. It awakened the worst side of her even without her knowledge. She pressed her hands on her ears in an attempt to stop him from saying anything more.

A series of events passed through her eyes. How badly she was insulted because of this man! Yet she had tried being considerate. However now she felt like killing him in the most painful way. But then, even that wouldn't bring out the reaction she had expected from him. She badly wanted to see him crumbling down infront of her & apologizing. Only that could satisfy her & make her feel contented. But she herself knew that would forever remain to be her wish.

Why was it her who had to face the loss & insult always? Why couldn't he let her win over him atleast once? Those thoughts kept haunting her making her more restless than before.

Sonakshi couldn't control herself anymore. She started hitting him ruthlessly with everything she found on the floor of that confined space. At that moment she didn't care if he lived or died. All she wanted was to vent out the hatred that was clouding her senses for a long time. Sonakshi's insanity came to a standstill when Juhi appeared out of nowhere & stopped her by holding her hands.

"What the hell Sonakshi!!! Have you lost it? You are going to kill him" Juhi panted trying hard to catch her breath.

"Just fucking stay out of this. Leave me!! Let me finish this bastard. How dare he speak like this to me? No one has ever raised their voice infront of me" Sonakshi struggled to free herself from Juhi's clutches.

She looked exactly like a maniac. Her clothes & hair dishevelled. Her face burning with rage. His condition was no better. He was soaked in blood. Every bit of his body ached but he chose to ignore.

"I will make sure you are mine not to love or pamper you but to show you what real life is, to teach you there is a life beyond money and power" His voice was faint this time. His words sounded more like a threat to her. Juhi pulled her back whilst dragging her out before she could pounce on him again.

Sonakshi turned back one last time to meet his eyes that were longingly staring at her. Those deep dark orbs were enough to hunt her down for the rest of her life.


This story has been running through my mind for quite a long time now. I did even draft a few chapters months back. Not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine, that one day I would gather courage to publish this one. Anyways I did. Now all I ask for is your support to continue. Please let me know if you liked the prologue through your valuable votes & comments 😁

Now peep in to know more about the Love - Hate relationship of Aadyanth & Sonakshi!!

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