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(3rd person POV)
A quiet alarm went off on Cameron's phone as he quietly stirred awake, being careful not to wake the small beauty beneath him. It was 8:45, ten minutes to landing. His original plan was to wake up and pack whatever he had taken out on the flight, but he barely took anything out, as he had cuddled with Y/n for most the flight. He gently reached down and kissed the small beauty on the forehead, seeing her smile in her sleep. He laid all the way back down, stroking the small girl's h/l h/c hair (h/l= hair length. H/c= hair color)
Time skip (y/n POV)
I giggled excitedly as I watched out the window as Cameron drove, and chuckled at my stupidity.
A couple hours later
We had all rented an Airbnb and it was quite nice actually, there were just enough rooms for everyone to share one, and for two people to have their own. Cameron tried to get Jaren to let us share a room for some reason, but as my brother, of course Jaren didn't let us. Most of the guys were sleeping, except for Jaren, John, Cameron, Mason, and Eric. John and Jaren had gone up to their room to do God knows what, but the rest of us were in the backyard playing in and around the pool. Cam and I sat on the edge of the pool with our feet in, while Eric was in the pool, on one of the corners just talking to us, and Mason was getting dressed go get in the pool. I turned to Cam for a second to look at him. His eyes shined a light blue in the sunlight, and he seemed so focused on what he was saying, it was fascinating to watch. I glanced at Eric as he was nodding to what Cam was saying, seemingly agreeing. As my glance landed back onto Cam, he looked back at me. I quickly looked down, my face turning a light pink. He had stopped talking.
"W-What were you saying?" I stuttered like an idiot.
"Oh, I-I was just saying about how Eric is gonna get his own signing booth, you an I might have to share one, but that would be up to you."
My eyes lit up.
"Of course! I'd love to share a signing booth!" I said a little too excitedly, earning a small chuckle and light blush from Cameron.
Suddenly, the loud slaps of bare feet were heard coming towards us as I looked behind us to see Mason sprinting towards the pool. He came running up behind us and shoved Cam in the pool. Before I could say a word, or react, Mason picked me up and threw me in after. Cameron caught me before my head hit the water as he was coming up. He caught me bridal style and we both kind of just stared at each other both in shock and in embarrassment. We both looked up at Mason before we realized he had his phone out. Everything happened so fast. Mason pushed Cam in the pool, threw me in, Cameron caught me, and Mason took a picture of us, all before I could realize what was happening.

Lovely (Goodguyfitz X Reader) (A forever unfinished story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora